organize your life
organize your life
by Pam Woods - 2007-02-14
If you've been following the DeCluttering Blueprint series, you've noticed the process for eliminating clutter is the same regardless of the room or space you're working on. In short, you always begi...
by Nathan F. Shaw - 2007-03-16
It's not a great secret that modern life is tough work. Even cooking dinner has become a rush job. 50 years ago it was a great leisurely family activity. Now it's 'Can you chuck the veg on so I can...
by MARILYN BOHN - 2008-10-26
I love organizing tips. Even before I became a professional organizer I was always reading organizing tips to see how I could do something faster, and more efficient. Here are three favorite organ...
by MARILYN BOHN - 2008-10-26
Do you feel you practically live in your car? Americans spend an average of 2 ½ hours per day in their cars. They are often command centers when we run errands, act as a shuttle driver to take ch...
by Marilyn Bohn - 2008-10-31
I love organizing tips. Even before I became a professional organizer I was always reading organizing tips to see how I could do something faster, and more efficient. Here are three favorite organizin...
by Marilyn Bohn - 2008-10-31
Do you feel you practically live in your car? Americans spend an average of 2 ½ hours per day in their cars. They are often command centers when we run errands, act as a shuttle driver to take childre...
by Marilyn Bohn - 2008-11-09
Someone said to me the other day, "I don't know where to start to get organized". This is a legitimate concern. She had taken the first step; she recognized that she needs to get organized.I have work...
by Marilyn Bohn - 2008-11-09
It is important to all parents and caregivers who have young children to be able to take a break away from the children and go out together. I can remember the first time we got a baby sitter for our ...
by MARILYN BOHN - 2008-11-20
Last week at my rug hooking group we were chatting about Organizing ideas for Christmas and about our favorite memories and organizing ideas surrounding Christmas cards. One woman said she li...
by MARILYN BOHN - 2008-11-20
If you are traveling by car here are a few organizing tips to get your car ready before leaving and other trip ideas to make traveling pleasant and safe:I was driving to Colorado for a week to d...