organ lessons
organ lessons
by Mike Shaw - 2007-05-21
As an organist, I have been working in club land in the North of England for the past 30 years or so and one of the crucial qualifications in this environment is the ability to sight read music on dem...
by Mike Shaw - 2007-05-22
As an organist, I have worked in club land in the UK for the past thirty years or so and a useful qualification in this environment is the ability to sight read music at the drop of a hat. When I say ...
by Michael David Shaw - 2007-05-22
As an organist and keyboard player, I have been working in clubs and pubs in the North of England for a number of years and one important thing you need in this environment is the ability to sig...
by Mike Shaw - 2007-05-23
Musical instruments are divided into three categories instruments of percussion, wind instruments, and stringed instruments. Very simple forms of these are known to every tribe on the earth, and in th...
by Michael David Shaw - 2007-05-24
Musical instruments are divided into three categories, percussion instruments, wind instruments, and stringed instruments. Simple forms of these are known to every tribe on the earth, and in the...
by Mike Shaw - 2007-05-25
In recent years, electric organ sales have taken a battering at the hand of the mighty arranger keyboard such as the Yamaha Tyros. It's a shame because the electric organ can do everything a keyboard ...
by Michael David Shaw - 2007-05-27
In recent years, electric organ sales have taken a battering at the hand of the mighty arranger keyboard such as the Yamaha Tyros. It's a shame because the electric organ can do everything a key...
by Mike Shaw - 2007-06-01
If you're reading this article, you must think you or someone you know is too old to learn to play a piano, keyboard or organ or any musical instrument for that matter.So lets give you the quick answe...
by Michael David Shaw - 2007-06-04
If you're reading this article, you must think you or someone you know is too old to learn to play a piano, keyboard or organ or any musical instrument for that matter.So lets give you the quick...
by Mike Shaw - 2007-06-17
The Romans had little or no musical genius, and they were content to take their music, like every other artistic element of their national life, from the Greeks. The Greek was the child of nature, ref...