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  • nervousness

    • 1.

      How to Control the Butterflies and Survive Your Next Workshop Presentation

      by Rosemary Horner - 2006-12-07
      Feeling some nervousness before and during your workshop is a natural thing. Actually, I rather have some butterflies than a bumblebee flying around in my stomach. It protects me from getting stung wi...
    • 2.

      Hope for Anxiety Disorder Sufferers

      by Maren Cruickshank - 2006-12-09
      As an anxiety disorder sufferer I used to think I was the only one suffering from this thing. I did not even knew what was wrong with me at the time but I never gave up hope in finding out what was wr...
    • 3.

      Fighting Anxiety? Four Foods to Avoid

      by Carrie Clouse - 2007-01-08
      After a long, stressful day, there is nothing more relaxing than sitting down on the couch with some potato chips and a soft drink, right? Well, not quite. Because no matter how much we want to rewa...
    • 4.

      Public Speaking Disasters of 2006

      by Charlie Pabst - 2007-01-16
      I do a lot of public speaking, some for free, some for fund-raising, some just because I feel like it. When I'm not speaking myself, sometimes I'll go and listen to another person speak. It might be a...
    • 5.

      The 7 Ways You May Be Making Your Fear Of Rejection Even Worse

      by Christine Akiteng - 2007-01-27
      Have you ever seen or watched on TV a thoroughbred horse on a racetrack or just before a race. Thoroughbred horses are highly-strung creatures with a high degree of "nervous energy" that (when forced)...
    • 6.

      The Health Benefits of Aromatherapy

      by Marcus Tarbeaux - 2007-02-15
      The use of fragrances for the well-being of man dates back to pre-historic times. Oils and incense have been used for thousands of years to calm nerves, heal wounds, achieve a higher mental state a...
    • 7.

      How to Avoid Nervousness

      by Richard Pettinger - 2007-03-12
      Nervousness comes becomes because we are agitated and are fearful of some event or person. We are often nervous at critical junctures in our life. However being nervous will not help in any way; when ...
    • 8.

      5 Things You MUST Do Before An Interview

      by Melanie Szlucha - 2007-09-05
      So you just found out that you have a job interview tomorrow and unfortunately procrastination is a weaknesses you haven't yet conquered. Here are the down and dirty tips to pull it together at the l...
    • 9.

      Night Before An Interview? Do THIS!

      by Melanie Szlucha - 2007-09-05
      Copyright (c) 2007 Melanie SzluchaWell, well, well, you just found out that you have a job interview tomorrow and unfortunately procrastination is a weaknesses you haven't conquered yet. Here a...
    • 10.

      Tips on Combating Nervousness During a Job Interview

      by CK Tan - 2008-05-05
      The key to combating nervousness is to be prepared. Withadequate preparation, you will be confident. As we all know, confidence leaveslittle room for nervous jitters. The following tips will help ...