natural treatment
natural treatment
by Mitamins Team - 2007-01-30
For so many people around the world, the symptoms of asthma - wheezing, coughing and breathlessness have become a way of life. The American Lung Association puts asthma down as the seventh-ranked c...
by Sherri Jacobs - 2007-02-06
We live in a world of constant stress. You only need to watch the news at night or sit in city traffic to realize the constant stress we are exposed to in our modern world. Most humans have a knack fo...
by Mitamins Team - 2007-02-06
Colorectal cancer, or bowel cance, affects the large bowel and the rectum, which are the lower parts of our digestive system. Bowel cancer is a genetic disease and affects both men and women equall...
by Steve Hill - 2007-02-09
A speech impediment can have a huge affect on a persons life. It can leave them feeling depressed, unconfident, sad, lonely and with a low self-esteem. I know this for a fact as I had a stutter for...
by Helen Hecker - 2007-03-04
After years of suffering, I finally found relief from my arthritis pain, naturally, and you can do it too. There's a natural solution to curing oneself of arthritis pain that I discovered several year...
by Helen Hecker - 2007-03-05
Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. Osteoarthritis affects joints in a different way depending on their location in the body, causing various symptoms. Arthritis is usually found in t...
by Helen Hecker - 2007-03-05
I know the secret to getting rid of arthritis pain forever and it is not taking drugs. I found relief from my arthritis pain, naturally, and you can do it too. Arthritis is usually found in the joints...
by Helen Hecker - 2007-03-06
I found relief from my arthritis pain, naturally, and you can do it too. A few years ago I accidentally discovered how to rid one's self of arthritis pain, naturally. Arthritis pain can be experienced...
by Helen Hecker - 2007-03-07
A few years ago I accidentally discovered how to rid myself of arthritis pain, naturally. I got rid of my arthritis and arthritis pain forever by changing my diet. Unlike some other types of arthritis...
by Helen Hecker - 2007-03-07
A few years ago I accidentally discovered how to get rid of my of arthritis pain, naturally. I got rid of my arthritis and arthritis pain by doing one single thing - read on.Arthritis is usually found...