by Richard Monk - 2006-12-02
Ancient Greece is a uniquely preserved culture we know much about through study and research. Greek mythical figures and beasts played a pivotal role in Greek society and folklore at that time.The Myt...
by Ronda LaRue - 2006-12-05
The mystic finds the eye of the needle and enters into the realization of the Kingdom of Heaven within.What Is Mysticism? More and more people have been asking me lately "What do you mean by the word ...
by Saleem Rana - 2006-12-15
Life has a way of working itself out. In the process of living your life, things have a way of resolving themselves.Another way of saying this is "ask and receive."This works on the idea of getting a...
by Saleem Rana - 2006-12-18
All over the world, human beings seek the truth about the meaning of life. They do this in different ways but it is the spirit of their search which determines the quality of their findings. There a...
by Shifra Hendrie - 2006-12-20
St. Paul, Minnesota, February, 1979... I sat in the hall waiting for the program to start. I felt alone in a room filled with hundreds of people. I had missed my ride to the country. Instead, I was...
by Bryan Knight - 2007-02-26
Are You Real, Or Just A Dream?What is shadow, what is light? asks Dr. George, a Vancouver, B.C., psychologist, echoing Plato's parable. Certainly what we consider to be "real", "out there", is not as ...
by Bradley Rockow - 2007-05-17
In astrology, there are two approaches, different in appearance yet similar in desire. They are the predictive and the mystic approach. The predictive approach in astrology traces and plots the plane...
by Leonard Lee - 2007-05-20
The comprehension of Karma as revealed to the masses by Jesus is an improvement of the old interpretation and understanding of the principle of a previous dispensation of "an eye for an eye, a tooth f...
by Leonard Lee - 2007-05-20
Basically, Baby, Infant and Young souls do not have as yet coordinated personalities and their souls are often governed by the lower instincts and impulses of their personality. Mature and Old souls a...
by Leonard Lee - 2007-05-20
AGE OF THE SOULAlthough generally speaking, spirit essence is ageless and eternal, it is possible to classify souls in terms of its evolutionary unfoldment or development. Here we do not speak of the ...