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    • 11.

      A Better Life in Seven Easy Steps

      by Craig Harper - 2006-12-11
      So we've covered a fair bit of the motivational and head stuff recently. Now I reckon it's time to stop talking and start doing.We've discussed how and why we think, feel, react, process and behave th...
    • 12.

      Politically Correct Crap

      by Craig Harper - 2006-12-11
      Recently I was giving a talk and I used the expression, 'fat bloke'.Following the presentation a woman approached me to let me know that I had offended her with my 'language'. When she told me that 'f...
    • 13.

      Losing Weight the National Geographic Way (The How-to Guide)

      by Craig Harper - 2006-12-17
      G'day Groovers. Sorry for the lack of input and inspiration over the last day or two; slack really. Dock my pay. I deserve it.Things at the Harperdome, the new kids gym (Gecko), the corporate speaking...
    • 14.

      The 2006 International Queen of Procrastination

      by Craig Harper - 2006-12-17
      Look out; I'm in one of those moods. If you're feeling precious or a bit fragile, you may want to read this later.Or never.I have a friend (surprising, I know). To call her a bit of a procrastinator w...
    • 15.

      Multi-dimensional Health (I'm Not a Body; It's Just Where I Live)

      by Craig Harper - 2006-12-21
      Put up your hand if you think that we're all one-dimensional (i.e. physical) beings.Just as I thought; no-one.Now, put up your hand if you think we're amazing, complex, multi-dimensional, physical, em...
    • 16.

      I'll Never Forget What's-her-name! Winning the Name Game

      by Craig Harrison - 2006-12-26
      My name is Craig. But I'll answer to Greg. Most Gregs I know answer to Craig. Of course we are not alone: there's Eva and Ava, Bill and Bob, Jeff and John, and many more. I can't complain. I often con...
    • 17.

      Magic Words: What Words are Music to the Ears of your Customers?

      by Craig Harrison - 2006-12-26
      Let's face it, some words have magical powers. Just as "Open Sesame" magically opens the door to a new world, so too can other words and phrases have similar effects on your customers and clients. Thi...
    • 18.

      Secrets of Self-Defeating Salesmen

      by Dr. Gary S. Goodman - 2006-12-26
      "I'll show him; I won't call him back!""I don't need his business. There are plenty more where he came from.""Maybe he can thin other people's margins, but not mine!""I'm going to quote just one price...
    • 19.

      That First Bite: Success No Matter The Cost - A Real Ethics Issue?

      by Chuck Gallagher - 2007-01-06
      It seems that some things never change. As adults, we hear through the media, about the lack of ethics and the consequences of ethical lapses. They capture attention in almost every venue - from b...
    • 20.

      Attitude and Attraction: Inevitable Laws of the Universe

      by Chuck Gallagher - 2007-01-06
      "It's just uncanny," one of his sales directors said, "but every month, somehow, he pulls it off. He just never misses his sales targets. I just don't get it. What is he doing different?" That q...