by Max Ng - 2006-12-16
We are always very busy with our life. Busy with work, busy with family and personal things. So busy that we missed out the important things in our life. It is like watching a movie in a 'forward' mod...
by Kenn Schroder - 2007-02-01
Many small business owners make the mistake of thinking that putting up a web site is advertising. They think it's like putting an ad in the paper that will bring in business. However, they usuall...
by Michelle Katz - 2007-02-12
Although it may seem a little tedious at first, checking your hospital bill as soon as you can against your records can save you hundreds. Below are 10 of the most common hospital billing errors to g...
by Richard Chapo - 2007-02-13
Preparing your tax return is a task similar to mating with an elephant. It takes a long time, there is a lot of yelling and you usually have a headache by the end. All of this can lead to mistakes on ...
by Richard Chapo - 2007-02-16
If you are considering starting up a business, you are facing both an exciting and stressful time. To succeed, you should avoid the common mistakes many new business owners make.The motivation to star...
by FindGreatness - 2007-02-15
We all make mistakes in our life. Some are small but with others we wonder if we will ever get over them.Have you ever made a mistake or failed at something when you had one or more people trying t...
by Srinivas Nudurupati - 2007-03-12
In this article I would like to describe some mistakes that most of the people are doing while changing their domains to get a few more bucks.Don't make these 5 mistakes in your career.1.Don't go for ...
by Ken Okel - 2007-04-24
Who would have thought a year ago that Don Imus, Mel Gibson, and Michael Richards would find themselves drowning in a negative sea of publicity over something they said. Worse yet, many said their in...
by Kevin Cox - 2007-04-29
When investing in real estate there are many mistakes that a new investor might make, if you make a bad enough mistake when investing in real estate it can discouraged you or you can even end up in fi...
by Elaine Sihera - 2007-04-29
The short answer to that is NO! There is nothing 'wrong' about the partners being divorced. That's what we like to believe when we don't want to accept responsibility for the choice we made. No one ma...