merchant account
merchant account
by John Stidolph - 2007-12-21
We are definitely in the day when just about every business has to be able to accept credit cards. Those that haven't got with it yet, will soon get on the force because most people really don't carry...
by Stradafee - 2007-12-20
Internet Merchant Accounts and Credit Card ProcessingStradaFee is an established provider of Credit Card Merchant Accounts and Internet Merchant Accounts for businesses needing credit card proce...
by Alan Largo - 2008-06-14
One of the hardest things about merchant card processing is choosing the right one for your business. There are a large number of companies out there and finding the right one for you is essential in ...
by Alan Largo - 2008-06-14
Credit cards are the way just about everyone pays for things. In fact, you might be surprised that there are some people who only carry a couple of dollars on them because they use credit cards to pur...
by Craig Thornburrow - 2008-06-15
A merchant account is a line of credit issued by a bank that agrees to take payments for goods and services on behalf of the business. The business then receives payment for the transactions less ...
by Jim Osterman - 2008-07-15
For the owner of an online business, every decision about that business is a major one if it affects how customers will be able to connect. There should be no decisions arrived at capriciously becau...
by Ryan J Bell - 2008-07-16
In order to accept credit card payments, merchants need to have a payment processing method available to them. Typically, this means having use of a merchant account. This allows the merchant to acce...
by Ryan J Bell - 2008-07-16
Payment processing fees can initially seem reasonable. But, millions of small and medium-sized merchants have found that the aggregate amount of fees charged on each transaction they process can quic...
by Ryan J Bell - 2008-07-16
Choosing a payment processor for your business requires more than a casual glance at features on a brochure. It's a decision that can have a long-lasting effect on your business. Most merchant accoun...
by - 2008-07-17
Selling digital products like ebooks are all the rage these days due to the duel factors that consumers are snapping them up like wildfire and that you as the merchant are able to make almost 100% pro...