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    • 81.

      Dating, Why Intelligent Men Fail With Women - Part 1

      by DAVID DEANGELO - 2008-08-05
      REASON #1: THEY'RE WRONG, BUT THEY CAN'T OR WON'T SEE IT OR ADMIT IT. I mentioned that smart guys are used to being right in most situations. And what do most smart guys do when they com...
    • 82.

      Dating, Why Intelligent Men Fail With Women - Part 2

      by DAVID DEANGELO - 2008-08-05
      REASON #1: THEY'RE WRONG, BUT THEY CAN'T OR WON'T SEE IT OR ADMIT IT. I mentioned that smart guys are used to being right in most situations. And what do most smart guys do when they com...
    • 83.

      Why Intelligent Men Fail With Women - Part 4

      by David_DeAngelo - 2008-08-08
      REASON #5: THEY SEEK ONLY "INFORMATIONAL SOLUTIONS"What does a smart guy do when he runs into a problem... or he needs to figure something out?He looks for information to help him solve the problem.M...
    • 84.

      Dating, Why Intelligent Men Fail With Women - Part 4

      by DAVID DEANGELO - 2008-08-08
      REASON #5: THEY SEEK ONLY "INFORMATIONAL SOLUTIONS" What does a smart guy do when he runs into a problem... or he needs to figure something out? He looks for information to help him solv...
    • 85.

      Why Intelligent Men Fail With Women - Part 5

      by David_DeAngelo - 2008-08-09
      REASON #6: THEY FOCUS ON LOGIC INSTEAD OF EMOTION.News just in: Women don't feel attraction for men who make them think.Women feel attraction for men who make them feel.So what do most smart guys do ...
    • 86.

      Dating, Why Intelligent Men Fail With Women - Part 5

      by DAVID DEANGELO - 2008-08-09
      REASON #6: THEY FOCUS ON LOGIC INSTEAD OF EMOTION. News just in: Women don't feel attraction for men who make them think. Women feel attraction for men who make them feel. So what d...
    • 87.

      Dating, Why Intelligent Men Fail With Women - Part 7

      by DAVID DEANGELO - 2008-08-11
      MISTAKE #9: THEY ALWAYS NEED TO BE THE EXPERT Have you ever met a smart guy who always needed to be "right"? Have you ever met someone who would actually argue with you about something t...
    • 88.

      Why Intelligent Men Fail With Women - Part 7

      by David_DeAngelo - 2008-08-12
      MISTAKE #9: THEY ALWAYS NEED TO BE THE EXPERTHave you ever met a smart guy who always needed to be "right"?Have you ever met someone who would actually argue with you about something they knew nothin...
    • 89.

      Something Single Women Hate - Don't Do it - Part 3

      by David_DeAngelo - 2008-08-15
      What's the secret to making her feel attracted to you and not bored out of her skull?Here are a few ideas for starters:1. Take her somewhere that has a lot going on... somewhere that has interesting ...
    • 90.

      Something Single Women Hate - Don't Do it - Part 2

      by David_DeAngelo - 2008-08-15
      Here are a few common problems that lead to "Boring Date-Itis":1. Playing it "safe".  Following her lead, not saying anything that you think will upset her and making sure that you're "proper".2. Ta...