by Neil Bartlett - 2006-12-01
What is Medicare Fraud?Medicare fraud is purposely billing Medicare for services that were never provided or received.Some examples of Medicare fraud include:* Billling Medicare or another insurer for...
by Timothy Moore - 2006-12-03
Medicare benefits are, inevitably, something we must all become familiar with as we get closer to retirement age. However, what exactly is medicare? When did it begin? And what is its purpose? Here is...
by Chris Bruso - 2007-01-10
Getting help with diabetes and free testing supplies can be tough if you don't know where to look. is here to help. There are companies that offer help with diabetes and free...
by Gabby Laine - 2007-01-24
RX la ayuda está en la manera se imagina el oír de las súplicas de los líderes de la comunidad que abogan por para la ayuda para su gente. La gente asciende a millones en la nación y una carga i...
by Gabby Laine - 2007-02-01
Charles Myrick /ACIRX Offers Great Rx Assistance InfoThe overall economics of most Americans is in such a dire with the high cost of gas, huge unemployment,as well as the crumbling condition of Medica...
by Yuval Lirov - 2007-02-04
Healthcare insurance business continued to boom in 2006, mostly at the expense of both providers and patients. A review of recent healthcare insurance industry trends help identification of six payer...
by Robert D. Cavanaugh, CLU - 2007-02-02
From my experience in working with seniors, here are the five most offered reasons why people have not purchased long term care. In most cases, the reasons are not valid. It's not that they don't m...
by Robert Palmer - 2007-02-22
Are You Ready to Parent Your Parents?Author Shares Experience of Caring for Elderly ParentsQuick: can you answer the following: Do your parents have a will? Who will care for them if they become il...
by Jackie Jones - 2007-04-10
As you might already know, Medicare is a federally funded health insurance program for citizens over the age of 65. Some individuals who meet specific requirements are able to get Medicare coverage b...
by David Slepkow - 2007-04-21
1) What documents should I have in my estate plan?Every person over the age of 65 should have the following documents: a will, a health care power of attorney and a financial power of attorney. (Pl...