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    • 131.


      by sanjoea - 2007-04-23
      Bronchiectasis is a chronic necrotizing infection of the bronchi and bronchioles leading to or associated with abnormal dilation of these airways. It is manifested clinically by cough, fever, and expe...
    • 132.

      Myelodysplastic Syndromes

      by sanjoea - 2007-04-23
      Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) refers to a group of clonal stem cell disorders characterized by maturation defects resulting in ineffective hematopoiesis and an increased risk of transformation to AML...
    • 133.

      Bacterial Pneumonia

      by sanjoea - 2007-04-23
      Bacterial invasion of the lung parenchyma evokes exudative solidification (consolidation) of the pulmonary tissue known as bacterial pneumonia. Many variables, such as the specific etiologic agent, th...
    • 134.

      Pulmonary Hypertension And Vascular Sclerosis

      by sanjoea - 2007-04-23
      The pulmonary circulation is normally one of low resistance and pulmonary blood pressure is only about one eighth of systemic blood pressure. Pulmonary hypertension (when mean pulmonary pressure reach...
    • 135.

      From White Dresses to Printed Scrubs the Evolution of Nursing Uniforms

      by Grant Eckert - 2007-04-23
      The origin of nursing uniforms is uncertain. One proposal considers the convents as the source. Nuns were the original nurses. As a result, their somber black and white outfits inspired the plain c...
    • 136.

      Three Things to Consider when Considering Nursing as a Career

      by Grant Eckert - 2007-04-23
      You have decided to become a nurse. You can picture yourself looking crisp, efficient and professional, nursing some poor sick person back to health. Or, perhaps, you see yourself in the operating ...
    • 137.

      The Symptoms of Migraine Headaches

      by Niall Roche - 2007-04-24
      While most people only think about the piercing pain in their head that they experience during a migraine attack, there are quite a few associated symptoms. Some of these symptoms can occur before the...
    • 138.

      What Medication is There for Migraine Headaches?

      by Niall Roche - 2007-04-24
      If you've ever had a bad migraine, you know that regular pain killers just don't help dull the pain. Luckily, there are medications specifically designed to treat migraines. In fact, there are three d...
    • 139.

      The Nursing Shortage: Why Nursing is the Growth Area of the Economy

      by Grant Eckert - 2007-04-23
      Nursing is one of the fastest growing careers in the United States. Over the next few years, nursing will create the second largest number of jobs among all occupations. According to the United Sta...
    • 140.

      Funding Your Nursing Degree

      by Grant Eckert - 2007-04-23
      If you plan to go to nursing school, you need to think ahead. Attending college or university is expensive. As it is an investment in your future, consider the matter carefully. You will require th...