medical travel
medical travel
by Carlos Lasa, Jr. - 2007-03-06
More and more patients are considering medical travel as an option to have cosmetic surgery at more affordable costs. But although price is definitely a factor when considering elective cosmetic surg...
by Nancy Wee - 2007-04-03
Medical tourism is rising in popularity. More and more people are choosing to travel to Asia to combine a holiday with medical treatment or health care.The reason is actually pretty obvious: It's c...
by Nancy Wee - 2007-04-08
Singapore is a major medical tourism destination and one of the five hottest spots for medical treatments in Asia.Visitors can select from a wide range of services to enhance their health and well ...
by Nirvick Majoomdar - 2007-07-01
The staggering cost of medical care and surgery combined with unacceptably long wait times in North American hospitals have created a thriving new industry-Medical Tourism. Medical tourism or medical ...
by Nancy Wee - 2007-08-03
Medical tourism is becoming an increasingly popular answer for people seeking medical care. Medical vacations in the past were mostly to have cosmetic treatments at a lower cost than it would ha...
by Radha Kishan - 2008-04-21
Medical tourists from different countries travel for health care purposes to those countries having quality healthcare services at reasonable prices. So they spend extra money on travel, health care a...
by Radha Kishan - 2008-04-21
The term "Medical Tourism" also known as health tourism is becoming very popular in these days. It means to travel across different countries to find health care. These health care or treatments inclu...
by Jay Siva - 2008-07-14
Medical tourism is simply the practice of going to another country to obtain medical services. This practice allows the patient to receive top quality medical services in a country of choice.Traveling...
by Jay Siva - 2008-08-04
Why would a person living in the United States of America consider traveling abroad for medical treatment? For a very long time, the only people who traveled abroad were those in affluent circles. The...
by Brian Bees - 2008-08-08
Private healthcare in the West is notoriously expensive, for some, prohibitively so. Commonplace medical items like dentistry or health check ups are high-priced, while surgery and major operations c...