marketing chiropractic
marketing chiropractic
by Todd Brown - 2007-05-04
If this doesn't get you excited, nothing will.And, frankly, I probably shouldn't even be telling you thisbecause it DOESN'T even require the Chiropractic Dashboard to work like crazy.In fact, you c...
by Todd Brown - 2007-05-08
Done right, this chiropractic marketing approach actually requires LESS WORK and LESS TIME than what you're probably doing right now.Here's how it works:First, take a look at the report of findings yo...
by Todd Brown - 2007-05-09
Done right, this chiropractic marketing approach actuallyrequires LESS WORK and LESS TIME than what you're probablydoing right now.Here's how it works:First, take a look at the report of finding...
by Todd Brown - 2007-05-15
Bill was once quoted as saying something along the lines of,"Microsoft has had lots of competitors over the years. It's agood thing we have museums to record those moments in history."Ouch. Not ...
by Todd Brown - 2007-05-17
Have you caught wind of the news?Some doctors are panicking about the pending price increasehitting us on July 15, 2007.Meanwhile, other doctors are chuckling with delight.What price increase am...
by TODD BROWN - 2007-06-13
Seems everyone, including chiropractors, are wondering whether Tony Soprano got whacked or not. I guess it's a bit of an odd topic to chat about in an email really dedicated to chiropractic...
by Todd Brown - 2007-06-15
Seems everyone, including chiropractors, are wondering whetherTony Soprano got whacked or not.I guess it's a bit of an odd topic to chat about in an emailreally dedicated to chiropractic marketi...
by TODD BROWN - 2007-07-11
Yesterday I took my kids to the Miami Seaquarium, and while there I discovered a major flaw in the way most chiropractors think about one of the most powerful chiropractic marketing methods av...
by Todd Brown - 2007-07-23
Yesterday I took my kids to the Miami Seaquarium, and while thereI discovered a major flaw in the way most chiropractors thinkabout one of the most powerful chiropractic marketing methods availa...
by Todd Brown - 2007-08-20
There's one thing in your entire chiropractic practicethat's worth way more than anything and everything elsecombined.It's the one thing that - if taken care of properly - canmultiply your chiro...