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    • 1.

      Japanese Candlesticks Say Crude Oil Prices May be Headed for $80

      by William Kurtz - 2008-07-28
      We often hear of the "Austrian School" of economics, or of the "London School," or of the "Chicago School."  I would use the word "school" in another sense - identical to a "gaggle," a "flock," a "p...
    • 2.

      Faithful Unorthodox Candlestick Pattern

      by William Kurtz - 2008-07-29
      Much is written in the standard Japanese Candlestick textbooks about the standard candle patterns and their degree of predictive reliability.  Hardly anything is said about variations of those patte...
    • 3.

      Japanese Candlestick Patterns Create Beautiful Pictures

      by William Kurtz - 2008-08-01
      "A picture is worth a thousand words."  How many times have we heard that?  Since early times, humans have made pictures of things and events around them, both because visual representations give p...
    • 4.

      The Japanese Candlesticks are Only Half a Loaf

      by William Kurtz - 2008-08-03
      Each author who writes on a technical subject has his or her own particular points of beginning as well as different outlooks and styles of presentation of the material.  There are many good textboo...
    • 5.

      Candlesticks Predicted $85 Crude Oil: It's Coming True

      by William Kurtz - 2008-09-15
      What a frenzy it was!  The flashiest analysts in the flashiest Wall Street investment houses were loudly proclaiming the inevitability of Crude Oil prices at $180 and $200 per barrel.  It certainly...
    • 6.

      Candlesticks Fool Gold Bulls Again

      by William Kurtz - 2008-09-19
      Gold sallied forth to advance $100 per ounce within the space of two days this week.  That left the price bar of Gold, as displayed on a chart, sitting up there all by its lonesome at a closing pric...
    • 7.

      Bailout Signed; Market Falls; Fiddlesticks and Candlesticks

      by William Kurtz - 2008-10-03
      Finally, it gone done.  After days of recriminations between each other and trying to divine the will of the voters at home, the Members of the House - as a body, not necessarily individually - agre...
    • 8.

      The Candlestick Case for a Perpetual Short in the S&p 500

      by William Kurtz - 2008-10-05
      How quickly time does fly.  It is almost a year since the stock market posted a significant long-term High.  It was marked by a bearish Candlestick pattern, and has been followed all the way down b...
    • 9.

      Bottoms Up in the Stock Market

      by William Kurtz - 2008-10-12
      The stock market and the major Indexes have taken a terrible beating over the past several days.  Investors are at the point of throwing in the towel, which in my estimation would be a mistake now, ...
    • 10.

      The Euro Collapses, Just as the Candlesticks Said it Would

      by William Kurtz - 2008-10-21
          It was written in the Bars, and we know the culprits: Double Tops and Candlesticks. Over the past 14 weeks, the Euro has declined from a high of $1.6038 on July 18 to $1.3000 as of this writing...