koi ponds

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  • koi ponds

    • 1.

      A Koi Pond Heater Can Keep Your Fish Warm Year Round

      by Rob Buenaventura - 2006-12-12
      If you are like many with outdoor gardens, you've invested a great deal of both time and money into your Koi pond and would like to protect your investment. One way to accomplish the goal of protectin...
    • 2.

      Koi Pond: Is pH Important?

      by Douglas Hoover - 2006-12-26
      It can mean the difference between life and death of your koi fish!Alkaline Koi Ponds Generally speaking, alkaline conditions are more common than acidic in ponds, especially the newer ones. If the p...
    • 3.

      Koi Pond: Which Pump to Use

      by Doug Hoover - 2007-01-20
      When I started in the waterfall and pond design & construction business in January of 1982, I was asking the same question. I had a slight advantage over most when it came to answering the question, ...
    • 4.

      The Benefits of Koi Ponds

      by Mark Justice - 2007-02-11
      Sure, having a Koi pond is rather trendy these days. With their growing popularity it seems that everybody wants a Koi pond. But are there any real benefits to having your very own Koi pond? The testi...
    • 5.

      What Are Koi Ponds?

      by Mark Justice - 2007-02-11
      There has been a lot noise made about them in recent years. Everyone is talking about getting or already having a Koi pond, but just what the heck is a Koi pond? Is it a pond of special seaweed? No th...
    • 6.

      Adding A Koi Pond To Your Home

      by Steven Cancel - 2007-09-25
      One of the newest crazes that are catching on with homeowners is the koi pond. Koi ponds are in ground water gardens that contain koi fish and are deep enough to support life year round even in colde...
    • 7.

      Female Entrepreneurs, Customized Garden Bridges to Accent Your Home

      by JOE GURARO - 2009-05-02
      Customized Garden Bridges to Accent Your Home The home is considered to be the physical center of our lives as individuals, as couples, or as families. While it is true that we spend a considerab...
    • 8.

      Gardening Articles - Garden Bridges Stays Curves Ahead

      by JOE GURARO - 2009-06-07
      Water elements help bring a backyard to life. Bridges not only enhance the beauty of such features, they add accessibility. Joe Guraro' owner of Clovis.-based Redwood Garden Bridges for Koi Ponds, s...
    • 9.

      Construction Articles - How to build a Garden Bridge at Handcrafted garden bridges.

      by JOE GURARO - 2009-06-20
      Most people think it would be very difficult to build a garden bridge but wood craftsman Joe at www.RedwoodgardenBridges.com says" A person with basic woodworking skills can easily build a simple gar...