kidney infection
kidney infection
by Groshan Fabiola - 2007-02-08
Bacteria can infect your kidneys by way of your bloodstream, or, by entering your urinary tract through the urethra and starting to multiply. Infections that come through your bloodstream usually have...
by Groshan Fabiola - 2007-02-08
During their lives humans can suffer from various types of infections. One of these infections, that became more and more common in the last years, is urinary tract infection. Women are more exposed t...
by Groshan fabiola - 2007-02-09
Bacteria can infect your kidneys by way of your bloodstream, or, by entering your urinary tract through the urethra and starting to multiply. Infections that come through your bloodstream usually h...
by Groshan Fabiola - 2007-02-18
Kidneys are very important organs for the human body. It is responsible with the liquid level of the organism, and with its help wastes and surplus liquids are eliminated through urine. A known kidney...
by George McKenzie - 2007-02-20
Kidney infections, known medically as pyelonephritis (pyelos means pelvis of the kidney) and glomerulonephritis, often start in the bladder. If a person has low resistance, germs from the bladder c...
by Groshan Fabiola - 2007-02-26
Kidney infection, also known as pyelonephritis can damage your kidneys for good, or cause a life-threatening infection if it spreads to your bloodstream. That is why it must be treated properly, so me...
by Groshan Fabiola - 2007-03-01
Urinary infections can be treated only by the doctor. When a person thinks it has an infection and comes to the doctor, he will have to give an urine sample. The patient will be asked to clean his gen...
by Groshan Fabiola - 2007-03-04
Glomerulonephritis and bacterial pyelonephritis are two of the most usual kidney disorders that appear due to infections.The inflammatory disease which implicates the renal glomeruli of both kidneys ...
by Groshan Fabiola - 2007-03-07
The two kidneys are responsible with urine production, and they are situated one on each side of the abdomen.A kidney infection may appear very easy, and it is usually announced by symptoms like nause...
by Groshan Fabiola - 2007-03-09
Pyelonephritis, a kidney infection, is usually caused by Escherichia Coli, a bacteria type that is found in the large intestine. Being more common in women than in men, this infection makes its way fr...