by Steve Shulenski - 2006-12-05
When you give something of value away for free it is human nature to reciprocate the favor by purchasing from you now or in the future.Put your thinking hat on and see what low cost item you can come ...
by Steven Carlson - 2007-01-09
Generally, there are two types of legal custody recognized by the courts, sole legal custody and joint legal custody. Typically, in child custody cases, the parents will share joint legal custody unle...
by Wain Roy - 2007-01-28
Joint pains are quite common in adults these days. It is important to know what causes joint pains and how it can be helped.Those who suffer from joint pains know how helplessly agonizing it can be. ...
by Dr. Robert Duvall, DPT, ATC - 2007-01-31
The S-I joint is one of the most misunderstood areas of the human body. It has been the source of much controversy in the medical community for many years. Much of the debate relies on the fact th...
by Wain Roy - 2007-01-31
Joint pains are quite common in adults these days. It is important to know what causes joint pains and how it can be helped.Those who suffer from joint pains know how helplessly agonizing it can be...
by Ben Crabtree - 2007-02-01
In my San Antonio, Texas based Massage Therapy and Bodywork practice I'm often asked by clients how it is that I assess clients and approach my work. There are a number of methods I use but when it co...
by Alan King - 2007-02-28
Joint and combined operations are the wave of the future. So, what are they?In milspeak, joint refers to having members from more than one service: Army and Marines, Soldiers and Sailors or some othe...
by Kathy James - 2007-03-06 and have entered into an agreement to form a 50/50 joint venture company. The objective of the JV is to create state-of-the-art writing services for those ...
by Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD - 2007-03-08
Pain is our nation's hidden epidemic-more than 75 million Americans live with some kind of chronic or recurrent pain. Pain is the number one reason people seek medical care.Inadequate treatment of pa...
by Russ Rudolph - 2007-03-13
Eating healthy is fast becoming a way of life. American's are living longer, however, the goal of many is not to simply live longer, the goal it is to live a longer and healthier life. Simple everyday...