by Ibrahim Machiwala - 2007-07-09
The word jubilee is derived from the Hebrew yobel, meaning ram's horn. In the ancient time, the jubilee was announced by the blowing of the shofar, a trumpet of ram's horn, and as a result, the occasi...
by Ibrahim Machiwala - 2007-07-11
Donning the mantle of Imamate in 1885, Imam Sultan Muhammad Shah had completed 50 years of his spiritual leadership in August, 1935. His devoted followers, long looking forward to the auspicious day, ...
by Ibrahim Machiwala - 2007-07-12
The word jubilee is derived from the Hebrew yobel, meaning ram's horn. In the ancient time, the jubilee was announced by the blowing of the shofar, a trumpet of ram's horn, and as a result, the occasi...
by Ibrahim Machiwala - 2007-07-12
The word jubilee is derived from the Hebrew yobel, meaning ram's horn. In the ancient time, the jubilee was announced by the blowing of the shofar, a trumpet of ram's horn, and as a result, the occasi...
by Ibrahim Machiwala - 2007-07-13
In 1982, the Ismailis celebrated the Silver Jubilee of the Present Imam. The jubilees celebrated by the 48th Imam resulted in the establishment of major new institutions for the material benefit and p...
by Ibrahim Machiwala - 2007-08-02
The new voluminous published book, Encyclopedia of Ismailism - an output, labour, effort and research of one individual, exercises a handy reference guide for the students, teachers, waezeens, scholar...
by Ibrahim Machiwala - 2008-08-24
The word ishq is derived from ashiqa. The ashiqa is a creeper called liblab in Arabic and ishq-pechan in Persian. When this creeper twines itself around a tree, it deprives it of its leaves and fruit...
by Dr. D.S. Merchant - 2008-09-04
The word calendar is derived from Latin kalendae means first day of the month. It stands for dating system in the world. From ancient time man used time reckoning system based upon the movement of the...
by Ibrahim Machiwala - 2008-09-08
The word constitution is derived from the Latin constituere means an action of decreeing or ordaining. According to The Oxford English Dictionary (London, 1933, 2:876), "It is a decree, ordinance, la...
by Dr. D.S. Merchant - 2008-09-12
The word batin is derived from batan means hidden, concealed, covert, inward, inner or esoteric. Ibn Taymiyya quotes Hasan Basari as related that, "Verily, each Koranic verse has an outer meaning and ...