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  • ipods

    • 1.

      iPod Bestsellers Report for November 2006

      by John S. Rhodes - 2006-12-02
      Just in time for the 2006 holiday season, below is a list of best selling iPods at the end of November based on several personal computing and shopping web sites. While the order might change slightly...
    • 2.

      iPod Accessories Report for November 2006

      by John S. Rhodes - 2006-12-02
      Just in time for the 2006 holiday season, below is a list of best selling iPod accessories at the end of November based on several personal computing and shopping web sites. While the order will chang...
    • 3.

      Advice On Picking iPod Speakers

      by Holly Stevens - 2006-12-02
      Nowadays, you can throw a party anywhere as long as you have an iPod and a set of iPod speakers. They are so tiny, yet they can boom the bass and shake up the place.iPod speakers are either portable, ...
    • 4.

      IPod Fashion

      by Nick Segrue - 2006-12-06
      In the past the mobile phone phenomenon led to a huge industry of accessories such as cases, in car chargers, flashy screen gadgets and much more, many believed that no product would come about that w...
    • 5.

      Ipods, Xbox 360, Cameras, and Video Games Are What Teens Want This Holiday Season

      by Patricia Howard - 2006-12-15
      As the holidays approach shopping for your teen can be a difficult task. You want to get them something they want and will use but what? Here are some suggestions that I came up with by asking my da...
    • 6.

      Solar Power Saves on Electricity Bills

      by Davinos Greeno - 2006-12-21
      A typical solar system will reduce the need for conventional water heating by about two-thirds. Often the plumbing from a solar heater connects to a houses existing water heater, which stays inactive ...
    • 7.

      Electronic Portables for The Senior Citizens

      by Caroline Mackay - 2006-12-27
      I love music and I often reminisce with my kids and grandkids about sitting around the table at night, when I was young and listening to the radio. The Lone Ranger and The Shadow always kept us spell...
    • 8.

      iPods - Improve Your Listening Pleasure

      by Cathy Mackay - 2007-01-06
      iPods are great little gadgets. Accessories make them even better.Thanks to the huge popularity of iPods a major side industry of ipod accessories has appeared on the listening scene. Just about any...
    • 9.

      Your Guide to Philippine Online Shopping

      by Chris Robertson - 2007-01-19
      If you would like to find Philippine items that you miss, start shopping online now. You will be able to find almost anything you are looking for. With a little time and patience, the Web will open a ...
    • 10.

      Retailing in 21st Century United Kingdom

      by Nick Segrue - 2007-01-21
      The UK retail sector is currently undergoing possibly the biggest transition period since retailing began. Everywhere we look in the media we see the headlines of 50% rises in online spending and anot...