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  • interpretation

    • 1.

      5 Keys to Reading and Understanding the Bible

      by Ferrel Kenda - 2007-01-18
      Do you often find yourself questioning someone's interpretation of a particular Biblical passage? Do you desire to find a deeper understanding of what the Bible really says? Does your Bible reading...
    • 2.

      Dream Interpretation of Places in Your Dreams (Part 1)

      by Neoli Marcos - 2007-03-26
      CliffObviously, cliffs are signs of hardships and obstacles, but not necessarily so. If you dream you are on the edge of a cliff, looking down, it means you are facing obstacles in life which need...
    • 3.

      Difficult Verses in the Bible

      by Gary Kurz - 2007-04-05
      Can anyone deny that there are passages in the Bible that are very hard to understand and sometimes hard to accept? The question is of course, rhetorical. Certainly no one could make such a claim. ...
    • 4.

      Lost in Interpretation

      by Jane Merrow - 2007-04-18
      If the interpreting is not accurate and of a high standard, it could affect the outcome of the case. This highlights the importance of qualified and quality interpreters and an understanding of th...
    • 5.

      Cho Seung-Hui Tattoo Interpretation - Paradoxical and Prophetic

      by Paul Davis - 2007-04-21
      Sadly Cho never connected to his great Christian heritage in South Korea, where some of the largest and most dynamic churches flourish.Demonic influences definitely contributed to the making of this m...
    • 6.

      What To Do In A No Win Scenario Of Personal Relationships

      by Robert E. Bear - 2007-08-31
      What To Do In A No Win Scenario Of Personal RelationshipsWhat do you do...where do you go when you are so often in a no win situation? Every personal relationship has had and will have these mom...
    • 7.

      Christian, How Right is Your Conservative Commentator

      by MICHAEL BRESCIANI - 2008-08-09
      Those who host conservative radio shows are less likely to be pressured by PC watchdogs but all of them occasionally take leave of reality especially when it comes to theology. Let's see! Fro...
    • 8.

      Looking for the Perfect Free Translation

      by Clint Jhonson - 2008-08-17
      If you are highly interested in providing your company with a professional translation, you should pay attention to some tips in order to make the wisest choice that will not waste your time and mone...
    • 9.

      Using the Power of Your Fear

      by John Halderman - 2008-10-24
      That fear you feel before doing something new or different can seem overwhelming at times, in fact it stops some people dead in their tracks. However it affects you, experiencing emotional distress f...
    • 10.

      Learn How to Interpret a Dream

      by nlwest21 - 2008-10-26
      A dream enthusiast once said "Like dreams, small creeks grow into mighty rivers." I believe your dreams can grow to have great meaning and through dream interpretation we can have a better understand...