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  • insolvency

    • 1.

      Is It True; Is Our Society Now Bankrupt?

      by Stephen Morgan - 2006-11-29
      OK perhaps the above headline might be accused as being slightly on the sensationalist side of things but go with me slightly as I explain my reasoning and the logic behind such a potentially controve...
    • 2.

      It Is Money That You Owe Them Not Your Life

      by Stephen Morgan - 2006-11-30
      There is no doubt about this area of debt consolidation and collection that it is indeed most controversial. Where and how does a legitimate well managed debt programme slide into the murky world of i...
    • 3.

      Personal Insolvencies are at Record Levels Across the Uk: Which Way for the Debtor?

      by Martin Mcallister - 2007-01-09
      In the UK, when a debtor owes a sum of money in excess of £750 to a creditor, he can be made bankrupt by the creditor applying to the court for a bankruptcy order to be granted against him. This sum...
    • 4.

      Bankruptcies Are All At Sea

      by Brad Martin - 2007-02-22
      The top ten insolvency hotspots.You will never guess where they are?You have to hand it to the tabloids for constantly reminding us of the ongoing debt crisis in our country,There were 107,288 insolve...
    • 5.

      Consumer Debt Advertising - Can You Believe What You Read?

      by Mark Hollinshead - 2007-04-26
      If you are struggling with financial problems, particularly if you are being threatened with bailiffs and Court, then it is imperative you get professional debt advice as soon as possible. However, fo...
    • 6.

      Uk Personal Insolvencies Reach A Record High

      by Mark Hollinshead - 2007-05-12
      The number of people entering into an insolvency procedure in order to restructure their debts has reached a new all time record of more than 30,000 during Quarter 1 of 2007. Some 330 people either we...
    • 7.

      Insolvency: What It Is, And What To Do If You Have It!

      by Adrian Adams - 2007-05-19
      Insolvency is a term often confused with bankruptcy. Insolvency is defined as not having access to enough cash to pay current bills and other financial obligations in the usual course of business. I...
    • 8.

      A Positive Approach To Debt Problems

      by Martin Sumner - 2007-11-30
      The consumer credit boom of the last decade or so has led to record levels of personal debt, to a large extent secured against ever increasing property prices. Most analysts now agree that this era of...
    • 9.

      Rise Identified In Insolvency Figures

      by Abbi Rouse - 2008-05-20
      The number of insolvencies applied for by British consumers is increasing, according to new figures.Price comparison site uSwitch has released figures indicating that the number of individual insolven...
    • 10.

      Business, Tips and tricks to face Insolvency

      by ABDUL VASI - 2008-08-19
      Insolvency, as the name suggests by itself explains its harsh but realistic meaning of being financially broke. There, is often a delusion in the difference between insolvency and bankruptcy. Alth...