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    • 41.

      5 Brain Foods for Children

      by Lyla Feldman - 2008-08-06
       Every morning you send your kids off to school. You give them their lunch, their books, and you wish them best of luck. But is there anything else that you can equip your kids with to ensure that t...
    • 42.

      More Time Spent Studying Improves Memory and Grades

      by Martin Mak - 2008-08-10
      The scientific study of memory began in the early 1880s when a German philosopher, Hermann Ebbinghaus, came up with the revolutionary idea hat memory could be studied experimentally.  In doing so he...
    • 43.

      Improve Your Memory by Arousing Your State of Mind

      by Martin Mak - 2008-08-17
      Being mentally alert is a state of mind and we are obviously not always alert.  Our mood and general level of physiological arousal will tend to range from deep sleep through drowsiness to a normal ...
    • 44.

      You Need Fats for Proper Brain Function, But Which Kind?

      by Martin Mak - 2008-08-22
      The cells of your brain, cells that determine your intelligence, heartbeat, muscular movements, subconscious, and consciousness, are made entirely out of fat.  In recent years there has been much fo...
    • 45.

      Foods Which Promote Longevity

      by Lyla Feldman - 2008-08-27
       Since we can't stop the aging process, are there any foods we can consume in order to maintain our health and beauty longer? The answer is "yes." There are numerous foods which promote healthy agin...
    • 46.

      Antioxidants Can Keep Your Mind Young and Sharp

      by Martin Mak - 2008-08-31
      Why is it that some people do not seem to age and have such clarity in thinking? Just as an apple turns brown or metal gets rusty from being exposed to air, our bodies are also vulnerable to various ...
    • 47.

      Photographic Memory

      by The Alternate Medic - 2008-09-04
      Believe it or not, people who possess a photographic memory are more common than you might think. Some see it as a blessing others see it as a curse.A photographic memory is when you can see events in...
    • 48.

      Photographic Memory Explained

      by The Alternate Medic - 2008-09-04
      Believe it or not, people who possess a photographic memory are more common than you might think. Some see it as a blessing others see it as a curse.A photographic memory is when you can see events in...
    • 49.

      Exercise Your Brain Today to Keep it Sharp

      by Martin Mak - 2008-09-11
      Several large studies have found a less risk for developing Alzheimer's disease in intellectually actively people compared with their mentally inactive peers.  And the mental activity can take many ...
    • 50.

      Eating Fish Can Improve Memory and Prevent Stroke

      by Martin Mak - 2008-09-21
      Older adults may be able to preserve and improve  their memories and ward off stroke by eating more non-fried fish, researchers reported in the latest issue of Neurology. The have found that older ...