by Roxanne Vick - 2006-11-30
Bankers Need to Change! the high cost of ComplacencyIn this great country, the land of the free, where people died to give us the freedom not to have to pay a tea tax to England, there is a great inju...
by Edward Curtis - 2006-12-04
Everyone talks about the negative impact of online gambling, but they are not talking about the negative impact of banning online gambling.A reason for banning online casinos was to make sure that und...
by Thomas Bay - 2006-12-07
According to the 2004 DAWN (Drug Abuse Warning Network) report, out of nearly two million drug-related emergency room visits in 2004, almost 1.3 million were associated with drug misuse or abuse (http...
by Davinos Greeno - 2006-12-21
The US Senate has reached a deal that could see the approval of a stalled bill that would grant millions of illegal immigrants the right to stay. One of the Senate bill's key provisions is the opening...
by Matthew Mitchell - 2007-01-29
A recent trend in viewing habits is showing a completely different way people consume video content. In more cases than not popular news segments or breaking stories will be watch many times more on ...
by J.J. Jackson - 2007-01-31
John McCain and his love for the government nanny state has struck once again. Now because Mr. McCain and many other politicians are not capable of exhibiting self control your bumper sticker might la...
by J.J. Jackson - 2007-03-18
The chattering welfare classes who believe that everyone owes them something are on the march. And what is worse is that there is no shortage of pandering politicians and media types willing to feed ...
by Arsene Bergkamp - 2007-03-26
Diamonds are much sought after, but some come with a heavy price. This is no more true then when discussing the war diamonds of Africa.As the saying goes, a diamond is forever. Unfortunately, in some ...
by Nathan Tabor - 2007-04-24
It's funny how selective the mainstream news media are in their war coverage. While American television viewers receive wall-to-wall coverage of the war in Iraq, we seldom hear about our nation's dec...
by Clint Jhonson - 2007-05-08
The naturalization process is certainly not one that will find its completion in a short while. On the contrary, it may require a few years of your life to become a citizen of the U.S. in legal te...