how to quit smoking

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  • how to quit smoking

    • 1.

      Quitting Smoking - Withdrawal Blues and How to Handle Them

      by Lloyd Morgan - 2006-12-22
      One of the main obstacles to quitting smoking is the dread of uncomfortable symptoms caused by the body's withdrawal from nicotine. Just the thought of it can bring many smokers out in a sweat and mak...
    • 2.

      Have You Already Broken Your New Year's Resolution To Quit Smoking?

      by Rizal Shaik - 2007-01-25
      If you have already broken your New Year's resolution to quit smoking, you are not alone. Most quit smoking resolutions are broken within the first week of the New Year. It is one of those resoluti...
    • 3.

      HoHow To Quit Smoking Without Withdrawal Symtoms

      by Sansad C. Jha - 2007-04-26
      Quitting smoking is not as easy as we think it is. It is not so difficult either, if you really want to quit. The real challenge is to make up your mind to quit this habit. The moment you take it up a...
    • 4.

      10 Tips On How To Quit Smoking

      by Cher - 2007-06-16
      Everyone deserves a happy family. But the habit of smoking makes us to be unhappy. You love your dear ones more than anyone in the world whether he may be brother/husband, but how can you get hi...
    • 5.

      Finding Help on How to Quit Smoking

      by MIKE SELVON - 2007-06-20
      If you want to learn how to quit smoking, you can find a wide variety of resources to help you achieve your goal. Whether it's a hypnosis program, a nicotine patch or another technique, you can learn ...
    • 6.

      Should Smokers be allowed Free Medical Treatment?

      by Ken Lobley - 2007-11-06
      With the health service in the state that it is - should smokers be responsible for the costs of their own health care? Everyone has freedom of choice and smokers can make the choice to stop, bu...
    • 7.

      Health, Quit Smoking to Live Longer

      by ABDUL VASI - 2007-12-18
      Habits are an inevitable part of one's life. During one lifetime we tend to have several habits. There are some habits that we purposefully undertake and some we undertake unknowingly. Out of thes...
    • 8.

      Easy way to stop Smoking

      by Abdul Vasi - 2007-12-21
      "Smoking is injurious to health". This is the standard line which is found in each and every packet of cigarette. Still around 80 percent of the world's population is suffering from the problems...
    • 9.

      Tips for Quit smoking

      by Abdul Vasi - 2007-12-21
      1. The huge mass of populace who smoke desire they could give up. It is a depressing truth of nicotine habit as it holds on people long behind for getting free. Life is much better with no cigar...
    • 10.

      There is Support Obtainable When You Are Anticipating to Relinquish Smoking Cigarettes

      by Jason Lane - 2007-12-21
      Are you all set to quit smoking tobacco products? The presumption is if you're an individual who smokes cigarettes thenthe response is usually a determined amen. A number of smokers appreciate t...