how to meet women
how to meet women
by Sean Cash - 2006-12-29
Ahh lazy guy! Women just aren't going to come up to your door (unless you have a cute mail woman, in that case order lots of stuff)! You've got to make at least an effort to get out there and get in...
by Fabricio Cruz - 2007-01-04
How to meet girls? It's that never ending question that never has a permanent answer. Guys want to know how to meet girls and make a strong connection. It's a desire that's as old as time itself. Some...
by Fabricio Cruz - 2007-01-04
Want to meet hot women? You must hang out where they hang out.Well, it's about that time of the year to start planning your vacations. I myself took lots of vacations alone to explore and have fun at ...
by Don Diebel - 2007-01-17
Isn't it amazing how some guys have all the advantages in life such as a good education, experience, knowing the right people, etc. - but with all this going for them they never amount to anything in ...
by Morgan Hamilton - 2006-12-30
I just moved into a new town a few weeks ago so I was feeling rather lonely. Now, it's not that I didn't know how to meet women, but that I was just in a whole different scene. This is because I gr...
by Groshan fabiola - 2007-02-10
Do you think that women prefer interacting with homosexual men?It goes against what some people may consider "the norm," but haven't we all noticed that beautiful women seem to get along much bette...
by Jake Kennedy - 2007-03-02
The most important thing to remember if you want to meet women or even make them take a second glance is to remain cool. Now I'm not talking about "acting cool", I mean BEING cool.The greatest single ...
by Don Diebel - 2007-03-21
I want to pass along what I consider the most effective way to ask a girl for her phone number:We read from people who have web pages and write books about meeting women is that they say ASK for their...
by Don Diebel - 2007-05-08
With Memorial Day approaching and summer just around the corner, it's time to sharpen our skills and learn how to pick up and seduce all those hot & sexy little single beach bunnies. Here are some hel...
by Don Diebel - 2007-05-08
Educational radio and television stations hold telethons during the year to raise money to cover their operating expenses. Volunteer your time to man the telephones, make follow-up calls, send out mai...