by Gary Kurz - 2006-12-24
"Chief, this is a hot one", I somehow managed to say in a quivering voice as I choked back tears, "please stop what you are doing and get this message out to the fleet, top priority". "Aye aye sir," ...
by Victor Epand - 2007-01-08
Happy 75th to your Dad! How about having some "oldies" going in the background and have tables arranged so there can be dancing going on after dinner? Or sending guests a form (well before the party, ...
by Kathleen Terrana - 2007-02-03
Her opinion will be helpful in selecting the wedding venue, reception site, invitations, decorations and favors. Most importantly, she will be asked to help shop for the bride's gown as well...
by Fred Fishburne - 2007-02-03
Churches are still broke is because they do not receive the prophetic word of the modern day prophets concerning finances. These men are not just preaching messages about finances, they are messenger...
by Kat Jaske - 2007-02-10
. . . She sighed and rubbed her eyes with the palms of her hands as she recalled her rather unwise promise to Gerard. She was used to playing a lad; she'd been playing at being a lad for the greate...
by Fred Fishburne - 2007-02-25
Isaiah 55:6 states, Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near.There are many scriptures that tell us to seek the Lord in different ways, but because this is a book o...
by Paul Davis - 2007-02-27
Respect Condition of being esteemed or honored A sense of the worth or value for a person An appreciation of a personal quality or ability Acknowledging the great and good in another Not being blinded...
by Kathleen Terrana - 2007-03-19
Her most important duty, of course, is to be a good listener. Sometimes, when the maid of honor lives out of town or state, this is the only duty she will be able to perform (besides being i...
by Richard Kuhns - 2007-04-26
I don't believe that there is any one news media would give that question the time it takes to answer, "NO."This article is about how stress of news reporting affects our society and how it could ...
by Jeannette Maw - 2007-07-05
"I'll call you tomorrow." "The check's in the mail." "No, I don't mind at all."Sometimes we utter phrases like these knowing there isn't a scrap of truth in them. But do we have any idea what it...