herbal viagra
herbal viagra
by Dr John Anne - 2006-12-26
This is the most often asked question. But have you ever thought that what is the reason for you, to increase the sperm count. To fertilize an egg or the ovum, a great quantity of sperm are being need...
by Dr John Anne - 2007-01-09
Perhaps no other drug in the entire history of humankind has achieved as much fame (and at the same time, notoriety) as Viagra. Targeted at curing impotency, this drug - developed by the pharmaceutica...
by Kalwant Rana - 2007-01-23
In 1988 sex lives for men received a major boost with the arrival of Pfizer's Viagra. But what about women? Surely there should have been a female Viagra, I mean don't women need some kind of marit...
by Dr.Anna Hardy - 2007-04-09
Perhaps no other drug in the entire history of humankind has achieved as much fame (and at the same time, notoriety) as Viagra. Targeted at curing impotency, this drug - developed by the pharmaceut...
by Dr John Anne - 2007-04-14
Sex is the most essential part of any species to grow. This is the method by which one can reproduce his progeny. Even Mother Nature supports this gesture and this is the reason why opposite sex attra...
by Dr John Anne - 2007-04-14
Every man in this world desires to love his beloved and express his love to her in the most different way. But there might occur some problem that stops you in achieving this wonderful feeling. In con...
by WebCosmo - 2007-09-21
Most people consider that you can only diminish the symptoms of acne and not cure them. Creams and lotions are available to rinse the face, decrease swelling, conceal pimples but none of these p...
by Marc Carson - 2008-07-23
From the earliest attempts to treat erectile dysfunction back to Muslim physicians and pharmacists these problems were treated with tested drugs, then John R. Brinckley initiated a boom male impotenc...
by Mrunal C - 2008-08-01
A natural alternative to Viagra has become quite popular among men. It causes no side effects, unlike Viagra which has some side effects. Herbal Viagra is this alternative which provides a natural tre...
by Marc Carson - 2008-08-07
Adams descendant, the male species is unpopularly known to be afflicted with a critical illnesse Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Syndrome or the Male Menopause. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Syndrome In 1886, Rob...