herbal treatment
herbal treatment
by Richard Wong - 2006-11-30
In the past years, more and more people are turning to alternative medicines to cure different types of illnesses, including acid reflux problems. Most of these people who used alternative medicines, ...
by Roy Chavarcode - 2006-12-16
An Introduction to PanchakarmaAyurveda emphasizes preventative and healing therapies along with various methods of purification and rejuvenation. Ayurveda is more than a mere healing system; it is a s...
by Dave Mar - 2006-12-19
Also known as sugar diabetes, or diabetes mellitus, this is a condition where the body produces very little or no insulin, the hormone needed to transform carbohydrates into energy. Consequently, suga...
by Nathan Wei - 2007-02-01
Folk and herbal remedies for arthritis are often found, after scientific scrutiny, to have beneficial effects. A recent study seems to support the role of turmeric as a spice that could help alleviat...
by Mark Dailey - 2007-03-31
Herbs are great for keeping the body healthy and supporting its most basic processes. The use of herbs for medicinal reasons has been around since before recorded history. People have been using herbs...
by Dr John Anne - 2007-04-14
Herbal remedies are becoming popular day by day. As the name suggest that solution that deals with herbs, comes under herbal remedies. Herbal remedies are the herbal solutions that are helping people ...
by Dr John Anne - 2007-04-14
An herbal remedy literally means solution that is obtained from herbs and natural resources. These solutions are generally meant in health related situations. Thus it can be said that herbal remedies ...
by Alien - 2007-04-28
Acne is a common skin disorder which results from the action of hormones on the skins sebaceous glands that leads to plugged pores (blackheads and whiteheads), and outbreaks of cysts or nodules common...
by Alien - 2007-04-28
Acidity means the excess secretion of acid by the gastric glands of the stomach. The stomach secrets hydrochloric acid and that acid is responsible for proper functioning of the digestive system. A no...
by Alien - 2007-04-28
Anaemia means the condition that means lack of blood. It is the common blood disorder that occurs when the quantity of red blood cells decreases in the body. Hemoglobin helps the red blood cells to ca...