by Vineet Raj Kapoor - 2007-01-21
1. Calling India a Slum:This is perhaps the only racist remark in the whole episode.Jane Goody asked Shilpa to go back to the slums from where she came. A definite remark against Indians though it...
by Alesandro Fillini - 2007-01-14
When it comes to romance, thinking outside the box is definitely a good way to go. Here are a few ideas that will definitely pour love gas on your relationship fire. Ideas for Kindling the Relation...
by Melody Sparks - 2007-02-05
Monica Charles, a former waitress from the small town of Alice, Texas, long-time internet user and one of only a handful of female webmasters has developed a new and exciting concept in advertisin...
by Katie Jones - 2007-03-05
Auto industry got loads of surprises. Sometimes you just have to expect the unexpected. In February, the Ford Motor Co. and Chrysler Group suffered sales decline. Other critics expect that Gener...
by Arsene Bergkamp - 2007-03-12
Everyone knows you are supposed to get a diamond ring for an engagement, but what diamond specifically? Perhaps you should consider going blue. Sometimes, the typical engagement ring just is not wh...
by Michael Douglas - 2007-05-01
Alexander Graham Bell didn't know what he was starting when he invented the telephone. He never could have predicted the number of problems his invention would cause in the relationships of today....
by Scott J. Patterson - 2007-05-09
There are a lot of great techniques and lessons you can take from neuro-linguistic programming. For instance, you can use a wonderful trick called anchoring. When you use anchoring on a woman, y...
by Michael Douglas - 2007-05-11
If there's anything I can do for you, just let me know." This is a phrase that we all use when someone is going through a rough lime. But here's the catch - most people in the midst of a crisis ca...
by Michael Douglas - 2007-05-12
It needn't always be a lavish dinner or a shopping spree. Nor is it always about chocolate and flowers. There are easier ways to show her you care. If you want to spend time with her in bed, you s...
by Arsene Bergkamp - 2007-05-13
Finding a gift for a mother can be very difficult. If you are having problems, a birthstone necklace is a great choice because if it jewelry and tells you mother you thought about her. If you are look...