by Chris Chenoweth - 2006-12-19
The most effective, least expensive, and healthiest treatment for allergies is always avoidance, yet many people will choose medications and vaccinations, despite their dangers and drawbacks. There ar...
by Michael Swift - 2007-02-07
In today's society, we have become much more knowledgeable and aware of environmental problems like indoor and outdoor air pollution. We understand the need for energy efficient appliances, cleane...
by Mark E. Richardson - 2007-02-23
Are Infomercial Air Purifiers Over-priced? I'm not an infomercial consumer.Maybe that's because having been an infomercial co-producer I know the markup on most air purifiers is 7 to 9 times the cost...
by Mark E. Richardson - 2007-03-07
We've all seen those air purifier infomercials. But can can allergy relief be as easy as spending $449 for a home air purifier? Last year over 4 million air purifiers were sold in the US. And while al...
by Mark E. Richardson - 2007-03-07
I've been buying air purifiers for close to 35 years now. It all started because of asthma and allergy problems in my youth. Over those years I've owned over 72 brands, including negative ion purifier...
by Helen Hecker - 2007-04-09
A good quality vacuum cleaner is an excellent investment in your home and in your home cleaning equipment. You can often save money on vacuum cleaners by buying online. Researching the power, suction ...
by Helen Hecker - 2007-04-12
A vacuum cleaner is one of the most expensive pieces of home cleaning equipment we have. A good quality vacuum cleaner is an excellent investment in your home and in your home cleaning equipment. You ...
by Barry Cohen - 2007-04-17
I have been in the indoor air quality and HEPA air cleaner / air purifier industry since 1989. Ever since my entrance into this growing industry concerns for improved indoor air quality have been soar...
by Helen Hecker - 2007-04-18
You can often save money on vacuum cleaners by buying online. You can buy an inexpensive, cheap or expensive model depending on your budget. Choosing the right vacuum that will accomplish the necessar...
by Helen Hecker - 2007-04-24
You can buy an inexpensive, cheap or expensive model depending on your budget. You can save a lot of money by doing your research. There have been a lot of advances in vacuum cleaners over the years s...