health education
health education
by Helen Thomas - 2007-01-29
it is obvious emotions affect your total electrical system,the flow of electricity, and your state of well-being. Negative emotions toward self, others and experiences are interpreted as disturbances ...
by Bob Taylor - 2007-05-14
Administered Health Care Centers undoubtably become quite popular because they offer affordable care that is not available elsewhere. They have trained and knowledgeable staff and usually are not too...
by Bob Taylor - 2007-05-15
The Value of Health EducationIn the past, many epidemics were due to people being uneducated about their health. Simple things, sound washing the hands, had to be taught so people could avoid even co...
by Li Ming Wong - 2007-08-29
The myocardium is the muscular wall of the heart, or the heart muscle. It contracts to pump blood out of the heart, and then relaxes as the heart refills with returning blood. The myocardium's s...
by Li Ming Wong - 2007-08-29
A Congenital heart is when a heart develops a problem from before birth. Often this is such things as a hole in the heart. These problems usually develop before anyone is aware that they exist. ...
by Li Ming Wong - 2007-08-29
Heart disease is a term that applies to a large number of medical conditions relating to the heart. These medical conditions relate to the abnormal health conditions that directly affect the hea...
by Li Ming Wong - 2007-08-29
Heart disease is a major killer of women within the United States of America. Changes in diet and lifestyle have left a large percentage of the population with heart health issues that can be po...
by Li Ming Wong - 2007-08-29
The heart is the center of the body's cardiovascular system. Throughout the body's blood vessels, the heart pumps blood to all of the body's cells. The blood carries oxygen, which the cells need...
by Li Ming Wong - 2007-08-29
Researchers have found certain variables play an important role in a person's chances of developing heart disease. These variables are called risk factors. In recent years, researchers have foun...
by Li Ming Wong - 2007-08-29
Heart disease is a global problem that affects both rich and poor countries. Tachycardia is one of many medical health conditions that relate to the heart. In a normal adult, the average heart b...