head lice treatment
head lice treatment
by Karen MacKenzie - 2007-02-02
It seems no sooner than you have said "back to school" and your child comes home infested with head lice (Pediculus humanus capitis). Why? Probably because it is estimated that 10-12 million child...
by Abigail Franks - 2007-02-02
Don't let the idea of head lice paralyze you. Although they're very prevalent, and most kids will get them at some point in their lives, lice aren't caused by being dirty. Head lice are very easi...
by Meredith - 2007-02-07
Head lice are tiny and wingless parasitic creatures that reside on the scalp or neck hair of the human host. They live on the blood they manage to suck from our heads. It is due to this that head...
by Abigail Franks - 2007-02-09
The infection rate for head louse continues to explode around the world with no indication that this epidemic will slow anytime soon. The problem is that kids bring home head lice from the local day ...
by Abbie Frank - 2007-02-21
Many parents every year get a call from their child's school or day care center saying that their child has head lice. The conversation usually starts with the declaration that your son or daughter h...
by Abigail Franks - 2007-03-06
Our child's school and daycare centers should be considered the main battle field when it comes to fighting head lice. Those, annoying and yucky little white bugs are likely to strike again and find ...
by Abigail Franks - 2007-03-28
So you see that cool rack of hats at the local big-box retailer and they seem so inviting. These racks normally have bright, multicolored hats and a variety of styles and there always seems to be a m...
by Abigail Frank - 2007-03-28
So you see that cool rack of hats at the local big-box retailer and they seem so inviting. These racks normally have bright, multicolored hats and a variety of styles and there always seems to be...
by Abigail Franks - 2007-05-08
While it can seem overwhelming at times, it really isn't that difficult to locate potential lice home remedies. Parasites have been with us for as long as we have history. There have been many remed...
by Abigail Franks - 2007-05-09
Trying to find reliable lice home remedies information on the Internet can be very frustrating. There are many options from prescription shampoos to wild ideas like coating hair in peanut butte...