by Richard Stoyeck - 2006-12-11
Stock research we call it. You want to talk about stock research. Let's talk about how Pfizer the world renowned drug company blew itself up over the weekend. We all know that the classes of drugs, kn...
by Ng Peng Hock - 2006-12-15
More and more people especially working adults do not have sufficient physical activity either due to tight work schedules or unhealthy lifestyles. This increases their risk of getting heart disease, ...
by Ng Peng Hock - 2006-12-15
On Tuesday (December 5, 2006), New York has become the first city in United States to ban artery-clogging artificial trans fats at restaurants, as voted by New York's Health Board. Restaurants must st...
by Ng Peng Hock - 2006-12-22
Organizations around the world have stepped up their actions against trans fat following New York's move to ban anything more than tiny amounts of trans fat at the city's some 20,000 restaurants. Denm...
by Lambert Klein - 2006-12-23
Drugs for controlling cholesterol can be dangerous. They can potentially cause weakness, cancer risk, weaken muscles, liver and immune problems. If you can naturally do something to improve your cho...
by Dawn H Robertshaw - 2007-01-09
Fat is one of the main problems of our diet today. It is contained in lots of the foods that we eat; animal fats, eggs, milk, liver and kidney. It is also a contributory factor to high cholesterol. ...
by Simon Evans - 2007-01-24
Copyright © 2007 The Brain Code LLCThe notion that high cholesterol is bad for you is receiving many challenges. An increasing number of medical professionals and researchers doubt this publicly accep...
by Debbie Fontana - 2007-01-29
Copyright © 2007 Debbie FontanaStudies have shown that trans fats reduce our levels of HDL (the good cholesterol) and increase our levels of LDL (the bad cholesterol). All of which may be bad for your...
by Debbie Fontana - 2007-02-27
Copyright © 2007 Debbie FontanaWe spend so much of our time trying to avoid foods that are supposed to be bad for us.But it may be just as or even more beneficial to put foods in our diet that may hel...
by Lynn Ruder - 2007-02-27
Cholesterol is a fatty, waxy substance which is absolutely essential to the function of the body and all of its cells. It enables the body to function properly by keeping cell membranes intact. When t...