by Kathryn Lively - 2006-11-30
New York City is known for many things: the bright lights of Broadway, fine cuisine and corner vendors, glamour and excitement. Yet for those interested in the paranormal and unexplained, the Big Appl...
by Jeffry Palmer - 2006-12-02
Can a seemingly harmless and inanimate object such as an old watch or piece of furniture contain the psychic energy of its previous owners? Can everyday objects be haunted? In a recent visit to the po...
by David Slone - 2007-01-18
Ghosts are different things depending on who you ask. While 32% of Americans believe in ghosts, according to a 2005 Gallup poll, there is a divergence of opinion as to what constitutes a ghost. Para...
by Rick Hayes - 2007-01-19
Opening the door to the two-story building transmitted a sense of walking back in time. I had received a request for a Session recently, and was to meet at the owner's place of business. I later found...
by Steve Buckner - 2007-02-09
There is a haunted tour of downtown that starts and ends on the site of Asheville's largest mass murder. Legend has it that once the murder was found and killed, he was on display in a local funeral h...
by Eugene Hughes - 2007-03-20
When I was younger in age, about 10-13, I started having very troublesome nightmares. Even though I was a very normal kid, with a very normal family, each night I would be terrified to go to bed from ...
by David Slone - 2007-04-23
If you ever had a personal experience with a ghost or you know of any true ghost stories you will probably want to know what type of spirit, entity or energy was responsible. This is easier to determi...
by Olga Marie - 2008-06-14
The purgatorial train shrieks and rumbles down the tracks by night, rocking side to side, whistle screaming on its journey through the dark abyss of eternity. Packed inside are souls whose trip with t...
by Christian Jacobsen - 2008-10-31
By day, Ogden appears as a typical small town in Utah, but by night, this quiet little community awakens more than its share of spooky happenings. Ogden was not always such a friendly community. In t...
by Worldreviewer - 2008-11-05
Whether or not you believe in the paranormal or haunted houses most of us acknowledge that Hamlet was right when he said 'There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio than are dreamt of in you p...