hair transplants
hair transplants
by Tom Sample - 2006-12-04
Going for a hair transplant in Chicago shouldn't be a difficult prospect. With many skilled professionals offering hair transplant procedures in Chicago, finding one that's right for you is a simple p...
by Renee Adair - 2006-12-30
A hair transplant is one method of dealing with hair loss. It is the most successful remedy for baldness, especially male pattern baldness. Since the procedure was introduced by Dr. Norman Orentreic...
by John Cole - 2007-01-14
Hair transplantation surgery has slowly evolved from the crude practice of moving unnatural clusters of hair to the modern standard of using exclusively follicular unit grafts. Hair restoration surgeo...
by Lawrence Shapiro - 2007-02-28
Hair transplantation (also called hair replacement surgery) is the only permanent solution to hair loss. In the hands of a qualified physician, the procedure yields natural-looking results that can be...
by Lawrence Shapiro - 2007-03-02
Commercial media are full of offers to solve the problem of hair loss, but there is only one permanent solution: hair transplantation (also called hair replacement surgery). The procedure yields natur...
by Sberkman - 2007-07-05
Hair loss, retarded hair growth, chemical damage, hair fall, and hair thinning are common hair woes for individuals of all ages, not just the elderly. If you are a young man suffering from a rec...
by Bertil Hjert - 2008-04-20
Hair Loss can make a person lose confidence and even self esteem in some cases. It can also result in a good amount of stress and anxiety. Hair on the scalp is very important for good looks. It provid...
by Bertil Hjert - 2008-04-20
Hair loss has become a common problem these days. Both men & women face same problem. There are several reasons for this. People tend to take a good amount of stress. Stress plays a major role in hair...
by Bertil Hjert - 2008-04-20
There are certain vitamins and minerals that you can take to prevent hair loss. However, the flip side is that excessive in take of vitamins can lead to hair loss.Some of the vital vitamins for preven...
by Bertil Hjert - 2008-04-21
The most common health problem suffered by most individuals these days is hair loss. This is a health problem that affects the self esteem of most people across the globe. Healthy hair plays an import...