green home
green home
by Mark J. Donovan - 2007-04-26
More and more frequently I read that the "green home" is the wave of the future in the home building industry. With just a fraction of 1% of the homes today being green, I'm not so sure, however. It m...
by MARTIN BARWISE - 2007-10-04
First of all, the term carbon footprint refers to a measurement of greenhouse gases released by human activities based on the amount of carbon dioxide units that is produced. This helps scientists...
by Greenstore11 - 2007-10-08
Greenhouse gas emissions are known to be directly related to the perceived heightened warming of the earth's oceans and near-surface air. But how does recycling help in cutting back on greenhous...
by Virginia Ginsburg - 2008-06-14
Reducing our impact on the Earth doesn't have to be complicated, and it can also have many benefits for our pocketbooks, as well! By reducing greenhouse gas emissions and reducing our use of natural r...
by Virginia Ginsburg - 2008-06-17
Giving your home a green makeover isn't as hard as it sounds, and a great place to start is in one of the smallest rooms in your house - the bathroom. This small space packs a big punch when it comes ...
by Virginia Ginsburg - 2008-06-19
Every room in your house could use a green makeover, but perhaps the room with the biggest potential is one of the smallest ' your bathroom. From low-flow shower heads to bamboo towels and recycled pa...
by David J S Baker - 2008-06-20
OutlineGreen cleaning is a method to clean your households without causing any harm to your environment. This cleaning method is quite different from the conventional cleaning in the sense that it doe...
by MELANIE C - 2008-08-19
A perfect garden full of exotic plants where your dog or cat has free rein may look wonderful, but will have no chance of attracting any of the wonderfully varied Australian wildlife to it. Why no...
by MELANIE C - 2008-08-20
Bamboo is a product that is greatly increasing in popularity because of its durability, attractive colour and strength. It is also unbreakable. Why use plastic, glass or steel when bamboo is avail...
by MELANIE C - 2008-08-20
We all need to work towards saving water and the easiest way to do this is to use products such as washing machines, dishwashers, showerheads and toilets that are water efficient. The WELS Scheme ...