by Ken Lawson - 2006-12-01
The English word "tithe" as well as its Hebrew-Greek equivalents "ma`aser" and "apodekatoo" means a tenth.Many Christian churches preach tithing as a means of supporting the work of the Lord today. T...
by Marilyn Jenett - 2006-12-03
A discussion began on my network forum in which a member posted the very widely accepted belief that "it is better to give than to receive". Certainly something we think about this time of year when g...
by Paul Davis - 2006-12-05
Christmas is for the haves Christ is for the have nots Many show up at parties Or don't go because of a gift They haven't bought or got Such feelings of being without Feels like utter rot Never...
by Rhiannon Schmitt - 2006-12-06
He put up with it in a way that a sleeping cat deals with a toddler tugging on it's tail: ears folded back in distain and tail twitching in obvious annoyance, but stubbornly refusing to move to an u...
by Sarah Freeland - 2006-12-07
Finding unique holiday gift ideas is not as easy as it sounds. With all of the options available today you may not know where to begin looking for that special one-of-a-kind gift. Well if the people...
by Jim Gustafson - 2006-12-08
Now that we're knee deep into the holiday shopping season, fighting traffic, looking for parking places, and waiting in check-out lines, it's probably worth taking a minute or two to consider our appr...
by Curtis Graham - 2006-12-09
"It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself." -Ralph Waldo EmersonIf you can't take it with you, it's too late. Ev...
by Maureen Valdes Marsh - 2006-12-17
Giving it All is a series of feature articles on the generosity of humans, the power they possess, and the gifts they give to the world.There are some people who look at the world and say, 'What's the...
by Jacqui Odell - 2006-12-23
Most of us have been in both positions: The giver and the recipient. And while a certain amount of joy can be gleaned from being a recipient- especially for children- an enormous amount of joy comes f...
by Bofia K - 2006-12-24
Christmas is coming soon and those of you who are lucky enough to have a girlfriend might not be lucky enough to know what to get. This is a guide for those who are clueless. You want to get something...