by Tracey Wilson - 2006-11-30
"Suicide is not chosen; it happens when pain exceeds resources for coping with pain."- author unknownYou are not a bad person, or crazy, or weak, or flawed, because you feel suicidal. It doesn't even...
by Tracey Wilson - 2006-11-30
A lot of people who are suicidal will give warning Signs of Suicide. Make sure you can recognize these signs where you can act on them. But never feel responsible for any harm one may do to themselves...
by Tracey Wilson - 2006-11-30
Bipolar disorder (manic-depressive illness) is a mood disorder, which means that the symptoms are disturbances or abnormalities of mood. Major depression is a more common illness, the symptoms of whic...
by Steve Hill - 2006-12-27
This is a question to all of the women out there, have you ever faked it in bed? To be fair I think I already know how most of the women who read this article will answer this question, with a resound...
by Gail Leino - 2006-12-28
There are so many options to consider when planning the Class Reunion five, ten, twenty, or even forty years after the graduation date. For instance, what themes can be used that incorporate your sch...
by Steve Hill - 2007-01-08
Are you one of the millions of people who are trying to make a quick buck out of adsense? Are you becoming tired of seeing low returns for what you believe are big efforts? Would you like to increase ...
by Anna Joe - 2007-01-18
A human needs to be needed. It is one of the primary desires of all human beings. Love and care is the food of life. Unless one is cared for, one starts ailing. Hugging is a gesture of love, of warmth...
by Steve Madigan - 2007-01-18
Tips for playing in the windHere in NM, we get wind. Boy do we get wind. You can listen to the guys on TV and in most places what we get for breezy, is a hurricane in other parts of the country ...
by Gail Leino - 2007-01-22
Music is an essential part of a child's development so enjoy the music of Wiggles at your child's birthday. It is no small wonder that music and sound is present in almost all the toys and television...
by Gail Leino - 2007-01-22
When Eyore and Winnie the Pooh get together with Tigger in the 100 acre woods things as ordinary as a blustery day are extraordinary. A. A. Miles' timeless children's tales are as popular today as whe...