free psychic reading
free psychic reading
by Jakob Steele - 2007-01-20
So, you want a 'psychic' reading and of course, you want a good one! Hopefully you have carefully chosen your advisor and he is a knowledgeable, compassionate person. But, is anything expected from ...
by Jakob Steele - 2007-01-20
We seem to be living in an 'addictive' society. People are addicted to substances, sex, and people. Unfortunately, some people become addicted to psychic readings. Any form of dependency is harmful...
by Jakob Steele - 2007-01-20
No reader will ever hit 100% accuracy. It doesn't matter if the reader uses numerology, tarot, astrology, or his own native intuition. It's just not possible and, if someone tells you that they are ...
by Grace Lee - 2007-02-21
Psychic readings have numerous shortcomings. They instill superstition, are led by a group of phonies and are far from perfect. Despite such failures, do we still require them? Considering the kind of...
by Ken Wilson - 2007-03-01
When we find ourselves involved in serious problems, we tend to turn to someone for help. As humans, we prefer to receive advice from specialized people and benefit from their guidance. Psychics ar...
by Margaret Tallon - 2007-04-11
Everyone has questions they would like answered about the situations in their life at one point or another. Difficult life decisions leave people yearning for help and advice in making their decisions...
by Meg Tallon - 2007-10-13
Most people with a TV have caught a recorded Sylvia Browne psychic reading at some time. Sylvia Browne has been a guest on many talk shows for her famous psychic abilities. She is also the author of a...
by Meg Tallon - 2007-10-15
You have probably seen Sylvia Browne do a psychic reading at some point if you have ever watched television. She is a famous psychic who has appeared on many talk shows and regularly appears on ...
by MEG TALLON - 2008-07-02
Most of us have something we would like to know about what our future holds for us. The majority of us are not blessed with the ability to read future events and happenings, which is why psychics...
by Craig Malone - 2008-10-31
Psychic readings cover a number of areas in life, including astrology, tarot, numerology, horoscopes, divination, and clairvoyance. On the Internet, you can get psychic chat, psychic advice and a live...