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free personals
by John waltzer - 2007-02-22
It is a big question that haunts one and all. Love is something that you rarely find or discover. It is something that happens. "Yes just happens." I am talking about love that is zealously possess...
by John waltzer - 2007-02-27
The question pertains to the issue that will adult dating sites boost sexual promiscuity or will they accord greater accessibility towards satisfying one's quest for sexual gratification? It is all...
by John waltzer - 2007-02-27
Internet has given a phenomenal reach to people across the world. The speed of communication has surpassed limits of any technological change that has come about earlier. It has brought about a par...
by Jwaltz - 2007-03-21
The question related to the issue that will adult dating websites boost sexual promiscuity or will they accord greater accessibility towards satisfying one's quest for sexual gratification? Use or Mis...
by Jwaltz - 2007-03-21
Thanks to Internet! Information retrieval is at one's fingertip. Dating is an important aspect of a person's life and hence very popular human activity. No wonder online dating on Internet has become ...
by Jwaltz - 2007-03-21
Internet has given a phenomenal reach to people across the world. The speed of communication has surpassed limits of any technological change that has come about earlier. It has brought about a paradi...
by Jwaltz - 2007-03-28
It is quite odd and important questions that menace each and everyone. Love is something that you rarely come across or discover. It is precious gift of god. Love is inspiration. It is something that ...
by John waltzer - 2007-03-28
Thanks to Internet! Information retrieval is at one's fingertip. Dating is an important aspect of a person's life. No wonder online dating has become so popular that it is one of the most frequentl...
by Suresh Nair - 2007-04-30
Since the advent of Internet, internet dating activity has received a big boost and online dating has become so popular that the land based or brick and mortar dating services for dating have been pus...
by Suresh Nair - 2007-04-30
The word dating is derived from 'date'. When they word "date" is uttered among youth it implies to much more than the date as a chronological reference to time in terms of time as we know and the cale...