fishing tips
fishing tips
by Dan Farrell - 2006-12-07
I have had the pleasure of fishing for salmon in Alaska. It was a thrilling experience! To see 3 feet long Silver's in a stream surrounded by 10,000+ foot mountains is something you dream about. If yo...
by Robert Phillips - 2006-12-09
Big lipped, floating and diving crankbaits make it possible for anglers to search a wide area at different depths to find large and smallmouth bass. The average depth you will reach is about 6 to 9 fe...
by Deon Plessis - 2006-12-17
When you first take up a new hobby the sheer amount of information can be overwhelming at first. Taking up fishing is no different. There are just so many kinds of fishing equipments in stores and onl...
by Chris Curley - 2007-02-02
Terminal Tackle means those certain types of tackle that have a chance of being lost, irretrievable or doomed to the cold watery depths below the surface. Booey Hooey! Get over it, as I have once sa...
by Jack Phillips - 2007-02-02
First and formost an ice fisherman needs the location of good lakes for ice fishing. Usually a lake that produces lots of fish in the summer fishin season will also produce numerous fish in the win...
by William Moores - 2007-02-08
Are you new to fishing? Have you been getting confused with different kinds of fishing advices, various fishing methods given in books and many kinds of fishing equipments available in stores? In orde...
by William Moores - 2007-02-08
One of the most preferred nature-friendly sports is fishing. Many people love fishing because it is that recreational activity which relaxes the mind. But not everyone who wishes to experience fishing...
by William Moores - 2007-02-08
Every angler has a choice of fishing either in the river or in the open sea. Though each type of fishing has its own challenges, the important thing to remember is to have patience waiting for the fis...
by Shane Brooks - 2007-02-11
My trip into the south to uncover the best techniques for catching catfish has yielded some unusual yet astounding results. I first arrived in a small town called Belton in the great state of Texas. ...
by John Tiger - 2007-02-06
Most commonly, people use live baits for fishing. These anglers are excellent sportsmen themselves, but when it comes to conservation of natural resources, the fly fisherman can easily outperform t...