fishing rod
fishing rod
by Zack Lim - 2007-01-24
Today's fishing rods have incorporated modern features that are not typical of the more primitive cane pole. Modern fishing rods contain reels, which aid in the retrieval of fish caught in its bait...
by Trevor Kugler - 2007-02-03
The term ultra light fishing may conjure up pictures of a fishing rod and reel that would compare with the snoopy setup that you have for your kids. I'm here to dispute that argument once and for all...
by Trevor Kugler - 2007-02-04
When it comes to fishing rods, what the heck does it all mean? There are all kinds of things written on the fishing rod itself, and all of them have a different "feel". I'm going to attempt to clea...
by Edward Linton - 2007-04-26
The world of the fly fisherman is a varied one. Salmon, trout, grayling and char inhabit the most beautiful waters of the world. Rivers and lakes that reflect forest trees, snowy topped mountains, a...
by Michelle Johnson - 2007-04-30
Fishing Season Is Here.Spring and Summer seasons are prime time fishing months. Fishing can be very relaxing, over-looking the water, whether you're on the beach or on a boat. It is also rewarding if...
by rob tendick - 2007-05-16
The proper fishing gear for what you're fishing for can either make or break your fishing trip. Before going shopping for fishing rods and fishing tackle, a little research can help you decide on ...
by Christopher Pratt - 2007-05-17
The proper fishing gear for what you're fishing for can either make or break your fishing trip. Before going shopping for fishing rods and fishing tackle, a little research can help you decide o...
by Paul Winter - 2007-05-21
A fishing rod is one of the most important tools used to catch fish. Catching fish is deemed as relaxing, invigorating and good eating by many. Many fishermen are very competitive and are looking to c...
by Paul Winter - 2007-05-24
Having the right fishing equipment is an important thing to remember when your are contemplating your next fishing trip. You need to allow yourself the proper equipment to fall into the "mood" and get...
by Sharpy - 2007-09-28
What are the best times to try and schedule a fly fishing expedition? When we talk about a fly fishing calendar, we aren't referring to a printed date book that you can hang on your wall. We a...