first time homebuyer
first time homebuyer
by Carl Pruitt - 2006-12-16
Many first time homebuyers focus in on the interest rate and the APR when shopping for a loan. While these are indeed very important aspects of the loan, they may not even be the most important for a ...
by Carl Pruitt - 2006-12-16
The great inventor and businessman Thomas Edison once said "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Because of a unique confluence of factors, ther...
by Carl Pruitt - 2006-12-31
If you have been contemplating buying a home, but you have credit problems, recent changes in the guidelines for FHA loans may provide the answer to your problems. FHA loans are not actually a new p...
by Fpf - 2007-01-05
Lets start with a fixed rate mortgage. This mortgage is by far the safest mortgage for most homeowners with rates as low as they are today. You never have to worry about your interest rate increasin...
by Eric Bramlett - 2007-01-06
Purchasing your first home is a big step, that comes with some very serious decisions. Many homebuyers are intimidated by the process, and continue renting much longer than they should, or need to. ...
by Dale Rogers - 2007-03-09
Bernanke, in the recent past, had been urging in a passive way for the two heavy weights to lighten their portfolios. Now, it is more pointed with a strong message to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to foc...
by Dale Rogers - 2007-03-12
Bernanke, in the recent past, had been urging in a passive way for the two heavy weights to lighten their portfolios. Now, it is more pointed with a strong message to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to ...
by Jeremy R - 2007-03-18
There are many reasons to refinancing your home like getting a lower rate, lower payments, cash out, or consolidating your debt. Comparison shopping and finding the right resources and services you n...
by Jeremy R - 2007-04-20
In 2004, the Federal Reserve made it clear that short-term interest rates would be increased at a "measured pace" because of a fluctuating US Dollar, unstable oil prices and an evaluation of other eco...
by Rob Blake - 2007-05-28
I cannot tell you how many times over my 15 years in the mortgage industry when I ask potential clients how they picked their agent, I hear, "Oh, my brother-in-law is an agent". Yikes! We all know s...