first impression
first impression
by Shari Hearn - 2007-01-11
Okay, so you made the commitment to go back to school and learn new skills or acquire a degree in order to make yourself more marketable. Now it's time for the job interview. Just make sure that ...
by Khush Grewal - 2007-02-05
First impression plays an important role when you're meeting up with a woman, because your first impression can either make it or break it. A lot of guys don't take this seriously, but it's a fact tha...
by Nick Summers - 2007-04-16
Most people would rather do a bungee jump into the Grand Canyon - even if they suffered from vertigo - than stand up and speak before an audience. The sight of expectant faces all waiting to hear what...
by Ashley Truitt - 2007-04-17
If you work in an environment where you deal with people on a regular basis, it is important that you master a few image management rules. For example, models are required to look fabulous day in and ...
by Carol Norda - 2007-05-09
So you have scored the date, she has agreed to go out with you. Now the preparation begins. If you think that you can just show up for the all-important first date without any preparation or planning,...
by Kacy Carr - 2007-05-30
Do you as a fashion trend setter know, that the clothes/Jewelry you wear tells a story about you as an individual? It is fact; the way you dress and present yourself in public dominantly speaks ...
by Grisha - 2007-07-10
Tips on how to become a better personSmiley girl shares with us some ways on how to makeyourself a better personWhen your walking around the mall or just walking, smile at people, even people you don'...
by Kris Plantrich, CPRW, CEIP - 2007-08-20
We have always heard it said that "looks don't matter" or "it's what's inside that counts". Well although this may be true, when walking in to an interview environment the first rule is looks do...
by Daniel Sitter - 2007-10-15
Preconceptions exist within all of us. In fact, we will size-up a person that we meet within fifteen seconds. We will review their physical characteristics, voice, stature, level of confidence, capabi...
by Daniel Sitter - 2007-12-10
There are numerous skills and traits that help define successful salespeople. These traits are beneficial regardless of whether you sell tangible products, services or your ideas. Developing these ski...