financial life
Bad Credit Score? Getting a Student Loan is Possible
- 2008-10-20
I remember when I attended college years ago, it is a time of my life I enjoyed deeply and tried to make the most of. Nonetheless, my most vivid memories are those of struggle and hard work. It is no... -
Medical Expenses: Save Money And Be Prepared
- 2009-02-12
Those who succeed in finances have something in common: knowledge of how the market works and farsightedness. Though you may not be an expert in finances, it is important (if you want your financial l... -
Four Fresh Start Loan Uses To Obtain A Second Chance
- 2009-02-12
Fresh start loans are excellent products that provide those with bad credit, a past bankruptcy or a high amount of debt a way to start over and regain control of their financial life. However, there i... -
3 Main Reasons Why Most People Are Poor
- 2010-05-17
This is now the formal start of my financial planning guide lessons. Since in our previous series of steps (for those who are new in my blog please click here and follow each step) we already talked a...
Total Search Results: 4