by David Carnes - 2006-11-30
The establishment of a Foreign Invested Company Limited by Shares (also known as a "joint stock company") was designed to accommodate investors seeking to issue shares to the public or to list on the ...
by David Carnes - 2006-11-30
Chinese foreign investment law does not permit a Representative Office to carry out direct business activities. It is limited to activities such as market research, product promotion, and liaison. It ...
by David Carnes - 2006-11-30
What the Law SaysIn China, neither domestic companies nor Foreign Invested Enterprises may own land outright; instead they own Land Use Rights. There are two kinds of Land Use Rights - Allocated and G...
by David Carnes - 2006-11-30
Most Foreign Invested Enterprises (FIEs) are governed by a board of directors and senior management. An exception exists for Cooperative Joint Ventures that the parties have chosen not to incorporate ...
by Dharmendra Kumar - 2006-12-06
HAWKERS, STREET VENDORS and social activists have intensified their protest against the government's decision to open up the retail sector for foreign direct investment (FDI). In a protest march held ...
by David Carnes - 2006-12-13
An application letter signed by the foreign head office's Chairman of the Board or General Manager requesting permission to establish a Representative Office must be prepared and must include the prop...
by Moonis Rehman - 2006-12-16
The opening up of retail trade for foreign direct investment (FDI) promises to usher in revolutionary changes to the Indian consumer market in the days to come.Recently, in a significant step towards ...
by Jeff Stats - 2007-04-20
Foreign direct investment (FDI) is known as movement of capital across national frontiers in a way that grants the investor control over the acquired asset. That is how it is distinct from portfolio i...
by itvoir12 - 2008-10-20
The financial slow in economic market and US's attempt to get market back on track with its $700 billion bailout package, things can get better. But what is the impact of US recession on Indian IT? Th...
by Sam Vaknin - 2008-12-09
In the wake of the global credit crunch, stock exchanges throughout the world collapsed in tandem. Why? 1. All of them - from the mighty Wall Street to the puny Macedonian Stock Exchange - have come t...