by Trey Eckerman - 2007-01-03
Essential Key One: You must change your mindsetYou must think positive. If the only thoughts that go through your mind are about being fat or having to lose weight, your thoughts will transform into...
by Mark Louis - 2007-02-13
You'd think that something like this would be relatively simple, but unfortunately- as with everything today - that just isn't so. Weight control and weight lossaren't just something that happens; the...
by Ryan Cote - 2007-04-28
The arrival of spring is often marked by spring cleaning rituals as we attempt to rid our homes of all the junk we accumulated over the winter months while we were hanging out indoors. The warm weathe...
by - 2007-08-24
It seems that almost everyone you speak to these days is on a diet or would like to lose body fat. One word that often pops up in conversation is metabolism. It is usually in the context of, 'I've put...
by James Flanders - 2007-11-11
Have you noticed how easy it can sometimes to be miss the obvious? What you're looking for might be right in front of your nose, but you simply fail to see it. Then when you do finally see it you have...
by James Flanders - 2007-11-14
If your workout routine isn't delivering the results that it once did, making a few simple adjustments could be just the ticket to jumpstart the effectiveness once again.For years I basically wo...
by David Grisaffi - 2008-05-12
Abdominal core conditioning program is a synergized and total approach to abdominal training. The central region of the body is known as the 'core' and is comprised of the abdominal muscles and the lo...
by Jason Szova - 2008-06-22
As the name suggests, fat burning supplements works towards losing weight or fat from the body. With the increasingly stressful life and the trend of fast food cravings all over the world, people (inc...
by Janet Sommers - 2008-07-31
Before I give you a review about Idiot Proof Diets (more commonly known as Fat Loss 4 Idiots), let me tell you some things with my self. I absolutely hate exercising. I am a mother of 4 kids so who...
by Janet Sommers - 2008-09-27
The one problem that overweight and obese people face is misconception. Yes, you heard that right. It's not about how much weight you lose, or what diet you are on, or what exercise machine you just ...