by Stephen Christensen, MD - 2006-12-01
We Americans enjoy the most expensive medical system on the planet, long considered the standard against which all others are judged. Why, then, are some US companies sending employees overseas to add...
by Donna Jaske - 2007-01-05
You need to know where you are spending your money if you hope to ever gain control of your finances. Do you avoid keeping a budget because you think it takes too much work and time? Would you use som...
by P Jain - 2007-01-09
According to the Aberdeen Group, "Employee-initiated travel and entertainment (T&E) can account for one in five operational dollars a company spends (with even higher percentages at ...
by Michael Brantford - 2007-01-17
I have spent many hours sitting in front of my computer trying to find a way to build residual income. If you spend as much time as I do searching for that elusive formula you actually start to wonder...
by Richard Chapo - 2007-01-31
It is rather ironic that we spend billions of dollars on other countries, but paltry sums on our own education system. Still, the federal government is offering a few tax incentives this year.Our educ...
by Thomas Ajava - 2007-02-08
For a variety of reasons, our teeth can decay and degrade to the point where implants are necessary. The cost of implants, of course, then becomes an issue.Dental implants are considered by insurance ...
by Winston Goldstein - 2007-02-05
Getting a college education is a very smart move, but the cost of going can be crippling. A grant is one way to make it less painful. A grant is a very good way to finance your college education. I...
by Ricardo Silva - 2007-02-20
The expense of breast implants is a concern for many women. With the range of options open to you, it can be confusing and difficult to ascertain what the actual expense will be.The expense of brea...
by Donna Jaske - 2007-03-21
Managing your personal budget can be simple and can save you lots of money. Make a plan. Work your plan. Track your actual expenditures. Change your plan. It is not as hard as you might be thinking, a...
by Bill Young - 2007-03-23
If you have a home based business and the proper guidance, you can get thousands of dollars each year from the government toward many personal expenses, such as vacations!The trick is in learning how ...