by Eilidh Milnes - 2006-12-01
It is often said that millionaires are eccentric.The dictionary definition of 'eccentric' is - deviating from the recognized or customary character, practice, etc.; irregular; erratic; peculiar; odd: ...
by Fred Tutwiler - 2006-12-20
Ah, yes. New Year's Resolutions. It's a tradition that invokes everything from delight to resignation, has a success rate akin to winning the lottery and has the power to launch feelings of guilt, fa...
by Wendy Betterini - 2007-01-05
One of the most important steps in consciously using the Law of Attraction is learning to change our expectations. Why? Because the Universe delivers exactly what we expect to see. Our expectations...
by Glenn Cohen - 2007-01-07
Another Resolution… Many people, including myself, end each year examining their lives and pledging to themselves and others to establish healthier patterns such as exercising, eating healthier, losin...
by Peter Tate - 2007-01-08
For the purpose of this article imagine yourself being unwell. Think of waking with a severe sore throat, lots of large neck glands and feeling pretty ropey. Would you go to your doctor? If not what ...
by Stephen Joyce - 2007-02-04
Websites take time to plan. If you are planning on creating a website for your company, consider how long it took you to create your business plan. Good plans don't write themselves. It takes time...
by Michelle Tabakova - 2007-02-05
This and many other questions every investor interested in Bulgarian property market begins to give on the brink of the accepting of Bulgaria in the European Union on the eve of 2007. Buyers, on o...
by Christine Harvey - 2007-02-22
Esther Hicks, in her book 'The Law of Attraction,' the movie 'The Secret,' and the book 'Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting,' all prescribe a method for attracting goodness and prosperity into our lives ...
by Dottiedee Glass - 2007-02-27
Dottiedee here sharing, "I Remember" as this is my story dear to my heart, may we all find our lesson contained within the words on this page.I grew up in South Central Nebraska on a farm. I had been ...
by Z. Yvonne Faroqui - 2007-03-06
Not long ago, while high on the 28th floor of the TN Tower on my daily walk with a close friend and co-worker, I found myself proclaiming, "To hell with Charming, give me Robin Hood!" As you can ima...