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    • 1.

      Truth. New Year 2007 Message

      by Gerald O\\\'Donnell - 2007-01-03
      To all of us, we wish a wonder-filled 2007. May we all be there in Oneness at the Last Supper of the Night we are traveling together as The One, and enjoy the delights of its manifold tastes before ...
    • 2.

      The Humble Scientific Research Endeavor of Brahmavarchas Research Institute

      by Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma Acharya - 2007-01-07
      Almighty God has given man His very own form. From the standpoint of consciousness all those Divine Powers that the Creator (God) possesses are found in the deep recesses of the human psyche albeit in...
    • 3.

      Super Mantra Gayatri Fulfills our Spiritual/Material Requirements

      by Shriram Sharma - 2007-01-14
      Man is not only the rightful heir of Almighty God but is a royal prince too. The individual soul is a part and parcel of the cosmic soul whom laymen call God. This royal prince (man) has all the quali...
    • 4.

      Why Meditate?

      by E. Raymond Rock - 2007-01-14
      Body - Computer Hardware . . . Feelings, thoughts - Software . . . Influenced Mind - Operator . . . Pure Mind, God, or Reality - ProgrammerThe body, or physical existence, has sense organs. . . Sense...
    • 5.

      Musings On Nothing

      by Ken Fields - 2007-01-22
      "Nothing is perfect" so the saying goes. So, for all of us who want perfection, nothing is what we seek. "Nothing is sacred" is another common phrase. So, those of us who seek the sacred, nothing, ag...
    • 6.

      The Alems

      by Dr. Ismail Ulukus - 2006-12-03
      In my previous articles, I have tried to explain and to describe the human by analyzing in different dimensions. In fact, the human is a wonderful creature owning amazing properties beyond these ex...
    • 7.

      God Lives and Heals Today

      by Cheryl Rogers - 2006-12-15
      By CHERYL ROGERSI have a confession.I used to have doubts about God's existence. I would pray and I wouldn't always get an answer, so it felt like a one-sided conversation.Then one day when I was v...
    • 8.

      Understanding Islam

      by Dr. Ismail Ulukus - 2007-01-20
      I had talked about the five existence dimensions of the human to you in my previous articles. The human gathers on himself all the physical and chemical features of the matters world in first dimen...
    • 9.

      No Soul?

      by E. Raymond Rock - 2007-01-29
      The Buddha, born 550 years before Christ, rejected his Hindu roots and proclaimed his No Soul, or Anatta doctrine. This doctrine became the crown jewel of his teachings, and diverged not only from Hin...
    • 10.

      Out of the Matrix. the Key to the One. the Secret of Ex-is-tence

      by Gerald O\'Donnell - 2007-03-11
      The material presented herein is to be read very slowly. Most of it originates from very deep levels of Mind. Pause when you feel the need to do so when something seems a bit obscure, and meditate ...